Dealing with a day

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I lost my husband Clive on the 28th February. He was diagnosed with follicular lymphoma in May 2018. He was 54 on the 2nd of February. He became so ill in October. After battling with the local hospital...he was having treatment at another day hospital, in another district..for someone to listen and investigate why he was so so ill, he was eventually transferred to the main hospital haematology Ward. It was traumatic. So so hard for me to deal with. We are English, living now in Italy. 

He fought so hard. He had his stem cells collected the week before Christmas. That was so hard on his body getting through that. We managed to get home from hospital on Christmas Eve.  But the lymphoma just didn’t respond to the chemo. By the time the doctors realised, his lymphoma in his stomach was pushing on his bowel. He wasn’t well enough for surgery. They tried a different chemo, it worked and the lymphoma reduced. But, it was all too late. He developed sepsis. He fought and fought.  I was holding his hand when he finally went. I’m so very sad for him. 

Yesterday, it’s been 4 weeks. Everything is a blur. We have dogs. They get me up and out. I have no motivation as yet to get on with anything. The lockdown and solitude is a godsend for me. I do have friends and family ringing and keeping contact regularly.

I find myself with a feeling that I am waiting. I’m not sure for what. Is it for him just to suddenly appear, or for life to give me direction. I just don’t know.

The grief and despair is just so overwhelming at times.


  • Denise. I'm so sorry that you're here.  I'm pleased you've got people keeping in touch. 

    Lack of motivation isn't unusual as many here will testify. 

    Take care. 

    Look to the moon.
    Can't imagine any future without my soulmate
  • I see it is recent for both of you, me too its 5 and a half weeks. Martin, I cant imagine yours as your loss sounds so brutal as being so rapid. 

    I am grateful for the dogs as living now entirely alone there is no chance for any comfort. I am finding just phone or video contact with friends difficult. I seem to be out of step with them or they are clumsy with phrases that dont match what I am feeling. I have not had a chance to talk to anyone about how much I miss my partner and would just want to sit with someone, but we are all in isolation so left with enormous void.I think friends, none have had a bereavement not quite sure how to offer support when we are not able to meet up or do things to distract. I did blub all down the phone to one friend and it was rather awkward as they felt helpless and just said that they wished they could be there to offer support.

    I dont know if it is odd, but I have taken to wearing my partners pyjamas and socks as a way of having some comfort and feeling close. I am going to try and talk to someone in the next few days but can feel myself withdrawing and just wanting to sleep.

  • Hi,

    I am 16 weeks into this hell. What you are feeling is perfectly normal, except you can't even meet up with friends/family for a much needed hug. I really feel for you as I don't know what I would have done without my close circle of friends surrounding me.

    I still wear my hubby's jumper and slipper socks. I keep them between our pillows and if I am cold or lonely just pop them on, I even answered the door in them in the early days, must have looked a right sight!

    You must do whatever you need to help you get through this awful time.

    Try to take care of yourself.

    Sending you a virtual hug. Ali x