Feeling More Alive Again.

  • 14 replies
  • 27 subscribers

As most of you will be aware I have had a tough time mentally since I lost my Darling Tina in December 2019. My stepsons have been magic. The one bought a Holiday home for his Mom to visit in Skegness and to get some sea air but sadly she was always too unwell to visit. I have been here in it since the 1st March 2020 to clear away a few awful Demons that I was gifted after my wife passed away. The visions of her suffering were the worst and just the speed of how it happened got to me.

I have walked every morning along Chapel Beach in St Leonards just thinking about all the good times we had, and burying in the sand all the bad times with her Cancer. I went with my Stepson and his Husband last Sunday night to the beach and released a Chinese Lantern( bio-degradeable) with a message on to her and my Stepson done the same. They both went out towards the sky at a rate of knots but she got them.

I will be the first to admit here in writing that the trip has done me the Power of Good and I now feel Mentally Refreshed and ready for what life can throw at me. Everyone on the Bereaved Partners and Spouses Forum, PLEASE Dont give up like I wanted to. There is Light at the End of the Tunnel.

Keep Strong Each and Everyone of you Wonderful People


  • Only needs one word John! Fantastic

    Alison xxx

  •  Fantastic John.

    Remember this feeling when you are at home.

    Tina would be so proud of you. 

    • Ruby diamond x
  • Alison. Thank You so much.

    Take Care and be STRONG

  • Ruby Diamond. Thank You for your kind words.


  • Everyone I would just like to add this Photo of what I done...

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Billythedog

    Well done this is great, I think I need some time away to clear my head as finding it hard to move forward. I take one step forward and then 2 back.

    Proud of you we need inspirational stories to keep us all going in times of darkness.

    Cancer has taken my loved one and I feel like it has taken me with him also and I don't want this to happen. Saying it and doing it are two different things.


  • Hello Sheila, Let me first say thank you for your reply.  Cancer is a Vicious Disease and it feels like it has taken us also because we know no life without our Loved Ones whom we lost. Firstly we must admit we had a life with them and now WE must start a new life without them. As hard as it sounds when you get there you start to think about the positive steps that you can take. We plan our move into a new life bit by bit and then set yourself a date or time and jump into it. My aim was March 1st and I released the Lanterns on that evening. Yes I have had 1 bad day but thats Normal because when we love people we never forget. Find yourself a Little Break somewhere and then plan the way you want to move before you go. It will all fall into place and your loved one will guide you. They dont want to see us Un-happy. We dont know how strong we are, until being strong is the only thing we can be.

    God Bless Sheila and Keep Strong.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Billythedog

    Ahh that's lovely and makes so much sense. I know my Bob is looking down on me and he would be so sad to see the state I get into and that would be terrible. I've tried to take my first positive step today by getting out running this morning as I used to go most days as a way of de stressing when I was caring for Bob but it has just all seemed like "Too much effort the last few weeks. Been to the Gym tonight as I have a personal trainer on a Monday so can't get out of that one. I'm going to try and give up junk food as all the sugar can't be good for me and I will attempt to get to bed earlier than the early hours of the morning which has become my new "Norm" even if I have to revert back to the Nitol to get a better sleep pattern going. I am trying but then again I say this every Monday and by Tuesday usually an epic fail but I really with try this time with everyones support and I know i'm not alone in this terrible journey so thank you for everyone that posts on here. Every story is different but they all help.

    Lots of love


  • Love it, John. There's something so healing about the sea. Went for a dip after work and it felt so good. I tend to write messages in the sand too.

    And, good for you, Sheila, we're cheering you on. Go, girl!

  • Thank You Limbo. I wrote several messages throughout my stay in the sand and then on the final day I wrote Goodbye Darkness because its how I felt it was and I am so determined to re-start my life it gave me the boost. You just keep writing and it will keep you strong. The first one I wrote was a Great big heart with Tina I Love You...inside and I miss you underneath. I watched it dissapear and then when I walked back past on y way back there was a white feather on the Exact spot. 

    Take things easy and God Bless You
