Help with coping

  • 23 replies
  • 26 subscribers

I lost my hubby 10 weeks ago due to complications from treatment for a brain tumour. We only had 5 months from diagnosis, he had never been ill and was my rock. I had to perform cpr and his death was extremely traumatic for myself and my son (my son arrived at the same time as the paramedics). To start with I coped really well but now I am really struggling. He was my soulmate and everywhere I look I see him and am reminded of what happened and constantly question could/should I have done more. I swing from crying to feeling really angry with myself and then angry with him for giving up (deep down I know he didn’t). I can’t seem to remember the good times and we had loads of them. We had been together since I was 15 and I’m 55 now.
I go out and then dread coming home because I know it was once our happy home and now it just represents his death for me. I am trying very hard to support my 26 year old son who is also gutted. Can anybody give me any advice on how to cope. Sorry for rambling, this is the first time I have done anything like this x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Akela2516

    That’s a wonderful idea now I need to think of something!
    Bob knew I was strong and when I ask him for help something seems to happen that does help either the kids turn up without me asking them to or something financial happens when I need it most so I know he is watching over me.

    Im just putting one foot in front of the other and if I end up sobbing I go with it as I always feel better afterwards.

    it would be his birthday this Friday which will be hard but I will get him a card and put it up for him. 

    im so touched by everyone responding to my ramblings and it really helps to here about everyone’s journey along this terrible nightmare journey we are all on.

    sheila x

  • Hi Shelia

    It would be Ric's birthday on Sunday. He shared his birthday with my brother's who will be 50 this year. Ric would have been 61. He so wanted that birthday! 

    I will try and celebrate and will make him a cake. He liked me baking him birthday cakes so I will. I have taken some holiday from work because I know it will be s hard time. Part of me wants to pack him away now as seeing some of his things hurt so much and part of me wants his things here. 

    I guess I really want him! 

    Have a good day today xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Akela2516

    Ahh Amelia,

    It’s so hard isn’t it. I kept telling Bob he had to make it until his birthday but sadly he didn’t. How long is it since you Lost Rich?  We are having a party in his honour which I think will be nice but might feel different on Friday. It’s the first milestone without my Boy and life is just one big struggle with me feeling empty and my world is black.
