Omly we understand

  • 19 replies
  • 26 subscribers

It been over two years since my soul mate when on to a higher plane of existence. 

I really try to belive that previous statment is true. I've never believed in God. I aways said to my Aud if I met God I'd punch him in the face for being such a crap shepard, watching his flock suffer and die and notnintervining. 

That don't mean I can except my babe has gone. To except such a thing would be to terrible to contemplate. 

I don't know really were this post is going but I do know people on this forum understand 

Nowbody else seems to. Xxx

  • Hi there, I hope I understand a little. My partner always said that death was the end, until he lost his best friend and then  became ill himself. Then he felt differently. He said he would try to watch over me and he made various other comments that lead me to believe he thought there was more. They say energy never dies it just changes so I guess their energy is still here, just in a different form. I'd like to think they can hear and see us, sometimes I feel HIM close. I had a vicar to read his eulogy and we had the poem that describes them as being in the next room. Perhaps you know it. I found great comfort in these things. I am counting on seeing him again sometime. X

    Love is eternal
  • It is a ponderous chain we drag round with us (a Christmas carol ) some days it is very long and tiring other days it is short and not so tiring and we think it's getting easier then the bubble bursts and back to the long chain but each time that chain changes I find  a link missing and getting easier to drag along it will never go away but not so hard to drag  just a thought 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Needing friends

    They say energy never disappears just changes. Yes needing friends. The laws of thermo diynamics. Entropy bla bla.

    That is the sort of thought that keeps me going. 

    I would like to introduce you to the Penrose, Hammeroff theory of consciousness. Hammeroff says what we want to hear. Penrose is the genius. 

    Check out Stuart Hammeroff, if you that way inclined. 


  • Hi Rolf, had a look but it's too intelligent for me, wish they could make it simpler x

    Love is eternal
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Needing friends


    Yeah its way above my head too. Although I was looking into this stuff before my soul mate left me.. 

    Its just that this suff has enabled me to hope I could meet my Audrey again. 

    I prefer to believe in science than blind religion, blind faith. 

    The words I wold like to say to you is never say never

    Xxx science helps me. I hope that you find somthing that helps you? 


  • Hi Rolf I hope we meet them again too. I would like to think that their energy is still around us and one day in the future our energies will find each other and we will connect again. 

    Have you any simple versions of those theories you mentioned, I would be very interested.? 

    You mentioned in another post how much you miss your wife and need her advice. It's so hard not having the person you want to turn to. Again I hope they are guiding us, sometimes we have to have faith that things will be OK xx

    Love is eternal
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Needing friends

    Hi needing friends

    Unfortunately there is no simple version of quantum machanics. It baffled Einstine, and still is not totally understood by any scientist today.

    I'm quite lucky as I've been interested in all that sort of stuff from when I was young and have read lots of book on cosmology and physics. I  deffinatley only have a layman's understanding but what I have learnt is which scientist seem to be the most respected.Sir Roger Penrose is one of those respected by his fellow scientists, and I've tried to read his books, though I can't say I understand them, over the years I've gained some understanding from them.

    When he came up with his theory of CONSCIOUSNESS, which I only really learnt about after Audrey WENT. I had been looking into Hinduism, which I found interesting,  but I really have no faith in the people who preach it. All religions seem to be exploitative to me. I do have faith in science however and Penroses theory seemed to put some science into the possibility of a kind of after life, although he would say that he" doesn't find it useful to speculate on the spiritual stuff," it really does put possibilities of an afterlife in a Hindu kind of way.

    So simple put he has a well complicated theory with maths to back it up that could lead to evidence of life after death.Though Penrose won't talk of such things, the Co author of his theory, Stuart Hammer does.

    Its given me hope that I my see Audrey again  some how, its giving a scientific reason to belief in a soul, soul mates life after death and perhaps reincarnation.

    One word of warning, there are a lot of Buddhist guru's ect that qoute quantum consciousness, can't blame them for that, but not many of them have an understanding of it, but maybe worth looking at it that way. 

    Hope is so necessary 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Try this you tube vidio. It's only 4mis or so long. It quotes Penrose but also other theories, such as many worlds theory, that I think Penrose has issues with. Never the less it gets the basics and it's not so full of maths and biology.

    I think you'll like what it says. 

    I don't know how to give a direct link to the forum but is is called


    Its published By. 


     Date of publication.... 9/7/2019

  • Hi everyone, 

    I've always found this YouTube interview inspiring when I'm down or feeling negative. It compliments the many strange things that have happened in our house since Anne passed over to the other dimension. I think I've mentioned those already in a previous post. I hope you all get some hope from this YouTube video:- 

    Famous Cardiac Surgeons Stories of Near Death Experiences in Surgery. (Dr. Lloyd Rudy.) 

    Love and Light 


    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • Hi Rolf, just watched it, its fascinating. Would explain so much. Heaven could be a parallel universe, and people believed in its existence before the scientists came to form a theory about it. Wow. 

    Love is eternal