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Has anyone got advice about there loved ones belongings. It’s been over 6 months now and I still can’t bare to move anything never mind disposing of it. All Winnies clothes are still where she left them. All her makeup and perfume is where she left it , even her toothbrush is in the same place. 
I just haven’t got the stomach to do anything with them. 

  • Hi there, I too have sent my partners clothes to the cancer research charity shop. I have a drawer full of his clothing and items that were him. I also have a large photo in the bedroom of him which I talk to. For some reason this is a comfort where as seeing his things everywhere just crippled me,. Those in the drawer I can go to any time but are not on show. I too felt much lighter once this was done, it was almost as though I was freeing him, but I know he is always there when I need him. 

    Love is eternal
  • I lived apart from my husband as he had PTSD as well as cancer. I still looked after him and saw him every day. As it was rented accommodation I had to clear his flat. I think for me i needed something to do. I wanted to get part of him home to me. Special things to me have come back. His wedding clothes and fav t shirts and jeans. All other clothes and some books and DVDs have gone to the hospice shop but 30 miles away so I don't see anyone wearing his clothes. They were very grateful,  Ric always bought quality! 

    Personal possessions that I am not quite ready to sort are being stored at my Dad's. Some I have done but I have sort of run out of momentum at the moment. It is only four weeks ago so maybe it was too quick..

    I have his cat! She is not integrating particularly well with mine. But I am not sure it is working! But I promised him I would try! 

    I can't really keep everything it is not practical. Some of his military memorabilia has gone to his regimental friends to auction for the memorial stone where his ashes are going. Other belongings I have given to his children. Just hope I have done all he wanted. X

  • FormerMember

    All my wife's kit is as exactly as she left it also.

    I phone our electric suppler today about the smart box. I told him my  Audrey had lost her fight for life. He said ill put you through to the berivment dept and you can take her name of the account, he said it must be upsetting to see her name on our lettets

    I said no thanks, I love seeing her name. 

  • Dear All.

    All my Anne's clothes and shoes are still in her wardrobe.And her dressing table draws still have all her smaller items. I have no intention of clearing or giving anything away. Everything will remain until its my turn to pass over. For me personally having all my darlings possessions gives me comfort. It's like me saying 'It's still our house sweet heart and you are still here.' 

    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • Hi all,

    What you, Jeff, said in your post resonated very much with me. Shortly after Paul's death, I thought it would be the "right" and "sensible" thing to do to begin the clear out. Well, I managed to bring a few of his clothes to a charity shop. But then came the day when I felt: no, it is just not right for me to do this yet and perhaps never. Everything, except for the very few items I did clear out, is still the same and, like you say, it gives me comfort because I know then that it is still and will always be our house. Having said this, I know that for many people it is really important to do a clear out or at least some clear out after a while. This again is so different for everyone isn't it?

    Love, Mel.

    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds. 

  • It's so very hard ..I sorted out my hubby clothes old wornen ones I got rid of but everything else is still there ..I look at them and just can't believe that he will never where them again 

    my hubby was a great fisherman there is so much stuff I really don't know where to start I have said to family and frenids to take what ever they would like ...but last week I went into his shed and the roof is starting to come down with the rain not sure how long it will last is full of his fishing stuff and tools was so hard going in there as it was so much him ..I know I will have to sort it asp but don't known what to do with it all ...can't even fined a local group to donate some of it too ...I know it will break my heart to give it all away as it's so much him ..but give me joy at same time as I know he would like some one else useing it .

    i don't think there is ever a right time but I feel like fate is making me sort out his shed and he was a great believer in fate ...also I feel I need to sort out my stuff as I only have a son of 17 and if anything happens to me I would hate for him to try and sort every thing out ...

    It's all so very hard don't want to but know I have to 

  • Dear Ww123

    I too am a great fisherman.

    Perhaps if you were to look up on line the name (s) of local fishing clubs and then contacted them I'm sure at least a few people would come to collect. Perhaps to give to their son nor daughter who were just starting out.I'm sure Hubby would be pleased about that.

    Love and Light 


    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • Hi Geoff fishing my self as well ...yes I think I will try to sort something out ..he did all different types like sea , trout , courses ,,salmon. ..etc also made a lot of flies so as you can imagine a lot off stuff ..will wait till march as that's when most of it he season starts and try some clubs then's all so hard x

  • Dear Ww123

    Another thought came to mind as hubby was such a versatile angler. Maybe split the tackle up into job lots and advertise it on eBay. ( Buyer to collect?)  And if you felt awkward about the money you make maybe donate it to cancer research UK.Just a thought. And yes it is all so hard I know. 

    Love and Light 


    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • Hi Geoff that is a good idea might look into that as well x