• 21 replies
  • 29 subscribers

Dear everyone 

I read all your posts with heart felt empathy.

What I've pervieved is that the longer a partnership has been, the harder it is for the the one  left behind to let go and form another  meaningfull existance. As many of you know I was married to my dear Anne for 50yrs. Half a century!  How the hell do I start a new life at 74? OK some might say join a club for widowers and widows. And what might that lead to? Me meeting a widow similarly placed to me of the same age group. And then what? Me me slipping into a relationship?  Formulating the same love I had for my Anne? Perhaps inadvertingly calling her the same sweet loving nick names I called my Anne? NO! NO! NO! I have a friend who allowed this to happen 3yrs after losing his wife. She is now in a rest home suffering from dementia.So he is back to pretty much square one. To be honest I don't know how he could ever find another love after losing his wife at about 67. Over 30yrs married. But that's me. Who am I to judge. All I can say is that for me my Anne was, and still is my soul mate. Yes we were chalk and cheese. And in the early days our relationship was very much like Elizabeth Taylor  and Richard Burton. I once slapped her face and she once clawed my face, BUT the love was always there. Now THATS LOVE. Always forgiving. ALWAYS.

Towards  the end of my Anne's life we never stopped saying we loved each other. And these were the last words I said to my Anne in her  hospital bed . My sweetheart having taken her last breath passed away with a smile on her face. 

Love and Light 


  • FormerMember


    I totally get what your saying.

    It's pretty much the same for me.

    Let's hope all of us find peace, and something to make our lives bearable.

    Take care my friend.


  • Hi Jeff and everyone,

    A good friend of mine said to me a number of months ago that she would love for me to find another partner when the time was right. I told her that I couldn't imagine having another relationship but, even if I did, that it would never be anything close to what I had with Paul. She said, "Ah you can't say that, can you? How do you know?" And my simple answer, without hesitation, was, "Oh I do know." Because Paul and I were meant to be together, we were soulmates, and the bond we had was very special. I wouldn't even want to experience this or something very similar with anyone else, even if I could. I am not saying that I will always be alone without partner - maybe I won't - but I cannot imagine what a relationship that is less than what Paul and I had would look like and whether I would feel like trying it after what we had. Anyway, I guess only time will tell. Nobody can know what is around the corner for any of us.

    Love, Mel.

    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds. 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Geoff I expect as you know from my previous posts I think and act just like you about my marriage to my lovely Ron, The thought of another man actually sickens me to my tummy. The year before I lost Ron it was our Golden wedding and we  celebrated with all of our family on a cruise. Our granddaughter had heard that you could renew your wedding vows on board. I initially said no to her because I get quite nervous I was even very nervous on our Wedding day. Anyway we spoke about it and because of the special occasion and all the family with us we decided to do it. It was such a special thing to do it was so emotional Ron had tears when he said his vows so we were all crying but of course it was with happiness. But of course with what happened a year later to Ron because none of us knew that was going to happen I am so very pleased we did it. We have some wonderful photos and such special memories. I expect Geoff you have some wonderful memories too of your Anne being you were together were so long like me and my Ron. Please keep in touch Geoff with us all it helps me and so many more on this horrible journey. Love and hugs to you Geoff. x Carol x

  • Dear Carol 

    What a wonderful and inspiring message you've given. I'm so happy that you and  your dear Ron renewed your wedding vows. I'm a soft old true romantic so I can feel the love eminating from your story. Anne and I too loved our cruises. She was a wiz kid at getting special deals so most of our cruises were on the QE2. demonstrating that in those days you didn't have to be rich to holiday on that liner.Sadly it is no more but like you I have wonderful memories of our trips together. Ive always been a one woman man and again like your good self any thoughts of starting a new relationship sickens me to my tummy. Mind you at 74 there's no chance of that anyway LOL. I often wonder how my posts come across as I'm sure do many others. I get the feeling a lot more folk read posts than actually write themselves  or even 'Like' so thank you Carol when you say it helps you and so many others. I always write from the heart. It's my way because as I mentioned earlier I'm an old romantic although my Anne always kept me grounded being more of a pragmatist. She was the brains behind our loving 50yrs of marriage.Rest her sweet soul. 

    Love and Light 


    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • Dear All,

    It is strange how people seem to want you ' to find someone else'. I have been unfortunate enough to loose to lovely husband's at only 52 yrs old. I know it is only a few weeks since I lost Ric and I am sometimes having a bad day still! The little things upset me but why do I want to try again? I miss both my husband's and love them both! Why would I want third time lucky!!! Yes it has been said! 

    I know it isInnocent a(sorry stilldidnt mean to add the emoji) raw but really people say the strangest of things which actually hurt! The lady at the DWP actually said to me yesterday when sorting out bereavement support payments, you are a bit young to be widowed! Better luck next time! I see you have done it twice!!! I was too upset to say anything but I usually would have!!! I did give me a down day!! 

    Oh well today is a bit better and I have parents evening later and my daughter is such a gem that will make me feel better.

    Keep going ladies and gents xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Geoff999

    Hello Geoff Thank you for your lovely message. I am very near your age but it doesn"t matter what age I am as I said before and you did too no way would I want any one else. I am a one man women. By the way I have just gone on  u tube and there I came across this song  by Josh Groban called Where you are it is so beautiful. Cried my eyes out but it was so worth it the words are lovely. I don"t know why I looked and found it I just hope it was my Ron directing it to me. Please Geoff and any body else who is suffering listen to it. Love and hugs to you. xxxxx   Carol     xxxx

  • If only I could just one hug would do 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    The Song Was Lovely.

    Just a Smile, would mean the World.

    Ellie x

  • Love that song. All so true. 

    Love you always Winnie xx
  • Dear Akela2516,

    I am so sorry to hear this.

    I too got married twice and the two men died. But the first one died long after we had separated and gotten divorced.

    What the lady said to you yesterday is outrageous. That would have left me too to upset and to respond. Some people are really incredibly insensitive aren't they?

    Love, Mel.

    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds.