Living with grief

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I lost my husband 5months ago to lung cancer I feel like you go through loosing them twice because cancer takes so much away from before anything happens .I was with my husband from The age of 16 dealing with this is extremely hard people around you try to understand but they dont really and there is so many stages you go through with grief as well.

  • Hi again Robmar 

    As you know police officers of Robs and my generation worked hard and played hard in a way only police wives could ever understand. That TV series Life on Mars exaggerated those times simply for entertainment value but the   general ethos of police work and attitudes were pretty much spot on in my view. We used bravado and drink to hide our very own life insecurities. No counselling in those  days. Get on with the job or get out. But when the muck hits the fan governing ourselves the cracks in our projected strength start to show. And I'm no different my friend. At the moment I'm a lost soul without my Anne who was a genuinely strong lady. She faced her cancer and eventual passing in a way that was breath taking in its strength,  and something I will never be able to emulate when its my turn to hand life's warrant card in. 

    Love and Light 


    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • Hi Geoff I think that you underestimate the strength that you yourself have.The small act of actually getting out of bed and at least trying to get on with life to me is no mean feat.I cared for Rob at home until he died.I was only doing what you and everyone else on this site was doing-loving-our husband,wife,partner whatever that’s what we were doing.Your Anne knew as I know Rob did because when everything else was crashing down around they knew just how much they were loved.You are proud of your Anne and I know she would be proud of you because you are helping me, and everyone else on this site by sharing how you feel,good or bad.So Geoff put the warrant card back in your pocket matey.