Just need to say something

  • 16 replies
  • 29 subscribers

Today was my lowest ebb ever.

Yes. I went down the pub with two very good friends across the road and had a great time on New Years Day.  And even my daughter phoned whilst I was there and  was so pleased I was out the house enjoying myself. Then afterwards back to my neighbours  place for lunch. But later  I arrived back home and just out of the blue fell completely apart. I just wanted a cuddle from my darling Anne.  But she's been taken from me. How bloody cruel is the creater  - if any -  of this bloody aweful world where two soul mates are just ripped  apart leaving one to somehow cope on their own after 50yrs. of marriage.   I wouldn't do that to my worst enemy so what is IT that rules this evil place? 

 And I hate the soulless house I'm resident in. Resident Because it was once a HOME created by my darling wife where we successfully brought up two wonderful children. But now days its no longer a home. Just a place I reside in as a resident. Souless and without spirit. I take meds for clinical depression but they don't even touch the pain I'm now feeling. I've been close before. I know that feeling where you start to live in a comfortable warm  bubble that no one - not even family -   can penetrate. You  become a mindless robot feeling calm and relaxed at the thought its all going to end soon. A wonderful but dangerous place to be. One of my police friends hanged himself but miles away from me. I saw it coming months before but didn't believe it would actually happen. And a close associate of mine stripped her bed. Did all her washing then layed out her personal possessions in a meticulous line on the coffee table before wandering off. Tessa's remains we're  found six months later in remote part of a wood laying on a blanket clutching her bible. And I can fully understand the mind process governing both these good people. In rough terms. They were sick and tired of this shit called life. ( Sorry about the language.) I'm 74. I've had my life. And I don't even  know why I needed to say something about this? Its NOT a cry for help. Its not a sympathy post.And I certainly  dont need the Samaritans. I just needed to express myself. 

Love and Light 


  • Hi Geoff I think we all got there at sometime or another and Xmas has not helped very much it great we can express ourselves on here and not be judged be safe

  • FormerMember

    Don’t know what to say Geoff, very worrying that post.

    So sorry you’re feeling like that right now. What I’ve seen on here and by the fact you’ve got friends and family in constant contact with you, you’re a positive influence on people and they/we like having you around.

    All I would say is don’t make any snap decisions, moods tend to come and go. I hope this new year will bring you more strength, take care buddy

  • I'm so very sorry to hear that you're feeling so low.  This existence is just so *******, awful isn't it. Thinking of you.

    Look to the moon.
    Can't imagine any future without my soulmate
  • So sorry for your pain . Life goes on but for you everything stopped. All l can say is maybe if you cant be happy or even content you can still be useful by allowing your children to keep their Dad for a little while longer, just until they get used to the world without their Mum. Set yourself a task of spending a few minutes out of suffering by reading 10 pages of a book you have been meaning to read. Give yourself a break from the sadness. Bless you.

  • Thank you all for your kind responses. I know in hindsite I shouldn't have posted it but I've never experienced such grief and anger all in one go. It hit me like a brick in the face and I just  had to express myself in some wayThis morning its gone away but I'll have my guard up in future in order to deal with It better. 

    Love and Light 


    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Geoff999

    Hi Geoff, 

    I am glad, you are feeling better today.

    Yes, your post did sound very worrying, but you did the right thing by posting it. You had to get it out of your chest and probably this is what eased your pain.

    I had a melt down yesterday too. Had a cry. The emotions piled up in my throat and I thought I lose my sanity. I made myself to take a short walk. It was very hard. We used to go for walks together with my husband, but since I lost him, I can not make myself to go for a walk alone as it upsets me very much. 

    Please put that thing in the bin as a precaution and if you feel like that again, just post. People on this forum would terribly miss you. 

    Take care


  • Just wanted to say hello Geoff. So glad you posted this morning feeling better.

    With lots of love,

    Dutsie Xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Dutsie

    Hi Geoff, glad your feeling a bit better today.

    Think the changes are normal one minute your fine then as you say hit in the face with a brick.

    My Christmas has not been too bad but I'm alone for a week now and the lonely emptiness is just something we must all try to deal with, I dont think there is an answer but we have no choice but to try our best.

    Had a funny thing today had a heater we bought a couple of years ago, Amanda was always cold in the bathroom. I never got round to fitting it. Today, I thought I'll do something useful so put it up and got some bits to connect it. I thought I'd feel good but no, I feel so awful I didn't do it whilst she was alive. I'm finding this often, I'm trying to complete things she wanted, but it's making me feel worse that I didn't do them before.

    Anyway glad your ok take care, and yes we would miss you!


    Missing Amanda a lot today. Yes had a good cry, but I dont mind any more as I just can't help it.

  • Hi Gary , was just reading your profile. I am so sorry for your loss, but know exactly how you feel. My wife of 43 years also died in July. I managed to get through Xmas and new year okish  but today has hit me hard for some reason. Everywhere I look reminds me of Winnie and it just seems to be getting on top of me . Iam back to the stage of thinking I have no future, there is nothing I want to do , and what is the bloody point of anything. Our wife’s, husbands, partners were our reasons for living.

    i completely understand what Geoff means in his post. I now we have to keep going for the sake of our family/ children, but sometimes it just seems so hard. 

    But for the sake of this forum , and a friend I email, I think I would go completely insane. 

    Thinking of you all Mike. 

    Love you always Winnie xx
  • Hi Geoff - so sorry that you’re left with this situation to deal with - I totally understand the need to be post things as you see them without expectation of a solution etc. I’m sending you my very best thoughts. I too am left living in a house that was a family home - everybody seems to expect you to stay and preserve it, but what’s less obvious to others is that to do so is emotionally sapping. I’d say keep close with your friends as you’re doing, try to find ways to clearly show / say how impacted you are (I can be way too subtle at times). Also, don’t underestimate the new year eve effect , it can be brutal

    keep posting and a massive amount of respect to you (and all) for doing so
