New Year

  • 20 replies
  • 27 subscribers

I survived Christmas having it only been 3 weeks since my darling husband Micky died.However I feel worse coming up to the New Year I think its because I feel I am leaving Micky behind in another year which probably sounds crazy as I know it is just another day.Wonder if anyone else has felt like that?

Laura x  

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to occupation2heal

    Hi Alison, 

    Its good, you are with your mum. 

    I agree with you, this online community is a life saving group. 

    I am on my own. Curled up on the sofa, wrapped up in my husbands favourite cardigan. The TV is on, but not paying attention. Will go to bed early as many of us here.

    Last year at this time we did not have the smallest clue, what we were going to face in June this year. Last year at this time everything was absolutely normal. Now I am here without my other half broken, lonely and tierful.

    I often think, I wish, this group could meet somewhere. That would be really good.


    Andrea xx

  • Hi Andrea exactly my words to my wife passed in June also just waiting to go to bed and get it over and done with

  • I’m sending you a big virtual hug. Sleep well when you go to bed x 

    Trying to be like the tree that bends with the wind and rain and thus weathers the storm
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to occupation2heal

    I am so glad I have joined this group as I know you all have a deep understanding of loss & how it feels so I take comfort from this and I know I am not alone.My friends and family are very kind and supportive but they don't truly get how I feel and why should they,it is an unfortunate privilege to walk in our shoes.I agree it would be great to meet up as a group if ever possible.

    Take care |& warm hugs to you all.

    Laura x

  • Hi Laura,

    Its very early days for you but understand how you feel as I lost my husband on 16 December last year. So close to Christmas, New Year and also my birthday shortly thereafter. It was difficult and my only advice to you, at the moment, is to take care of yourself and post as often as you need to.

    There is a lot of support here and I personally would like to take this opportunity, to thank everyone for their support this year gone and no doubt it will still be there in 2020.

    I have just had to cancel going round a friends for new year. Not feeling that great, with a migraine, so probably back to bed soon.

    Andrea, I too often think about how it would be to meet up with this group. We have shared our innermost feelings here without judgement. I feel like we are virtual close friends. Maybe we can make this happen next year???

    With lots of love,

    Dutsie Xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Dutsie

    Thanks Dutsie you are so right it is very early days only 4 weeks today since I lost Micky,my birthday is on the 6th January so another first to get through.I sometimes feel I am going mad when I think about life without Micky,so pull myself back to just getting through an hour or a day at a time at the moment.

    Lots of Love to you & hope your migraine goes quickly,take care.

    Laura x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Newb

    Hi Ian, 

    I hope, we all manage to sleep throughout the night.

    We can only hope, one day we can smile again and live a normal life and perhaps enjoy the life again. But it's going to be a long, painful journey flooded in tiers. 

    Take care


    Andrea xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Dutsie

    Hi Dutsie, 

    It would be nice HuggingHuggingHugging 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Wildcat

    Hello Wildcat

    I lost my husband around 18 weeks ago to lung cancer. He lost his voice 4 months before he died so I am struggling recalling his voice. I find this particularly difficult as we used to laugh together so much. I too don't have children to remind me of him. I am 55 and lost my parents and brother around 15 years ago so finding it hard as very little people left to whom I can to chat to who also remember him.

  • Hi Ditzee

    My husband was 56 when he died and I was 55, I'm now older than him which feels wrong. 

    He too had lung cancer and his voice was affected. I do have my dad who was widowed also at 55, a horrible thing we have in common.

    It's nearly the 2nd anniversary and I'm right back to that time. Not helped by having a hospital appointment yesterday at the same clinic we got his diagnosis.SobSob

    Look to the moon.
    Can't imagine any future without my soulmate