Total Feeling Of Emptiness & Numbness

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  • 28 subscribers

My Beautiful wife Tina was diagnosed in March 2019 with Small Cell Lung Cancer. She was given two choices. Take No treatment and live for a couple of months or Take Treatment and maybe get 12+ months. God Bless her she took the latter. After 6 cycles of Chemotherapy her tumor had shrunk drastically, so it was decided to give Radiotherapy. 20 sessions to the Chest area and 8 to the head, the head being a precautionary measure. She done this with a spring in her step as she thought about a bit of life ahead of her with me and her two sons.

Sadly on the 18th December 2019 she lost the fight and was taken from us. I nursed her solid for 9 months, every chemo I made sure she had her meds after and the radiotherapy I lay beside her holding her while she slept because of the treatment. I have just registered her death today and everything has become so real it Hurts BAD! I am coming into an empty, silent and cold home, and finding myself just going around in a daze. I am going into supermarkets just out of routine and walking out with things I don't need anymore because my wife used them. What am I going to do with Impulse deodorant or Black Tights and Ladies soap products?

We were married for 25 brilliant years and she was my right arm. She was the brains of the two of us, she had the Common Sense, everything.

I am HEARTBROKEN to say the least and Christmas Day is off my calendar. Without Tina I am NOTHING!

God Bless You All


  • Limbo, Thank You, there are so many similarities. Weird world. Christmas Day will be hard but I should get through eventually. I have had so many Nice messages and it does pick me up somewhat. God Bless You Limbo. Be strong.

    John X

  • Hi John

    I lost my husband to small cell lung cancer on the 3rd of January this year just coming up to the 1st year anniversery.

    He had all the same treatment your wife had and it was grueling.

    I read these posts everyday and it helps me get through.

    Take care 

    One step at a time


    Until we meet again x
  • Hi Mary. Thank you for your message, and I'm sorry you are in the same circumstances as me. The treatment was worse than grueling, I think HELL springs to mind. The chemo was easy compared to the radiotherapy. I think thats what caused her to get weaker. Too much Too soon. The body cant take it. 

    You be strong and Take the Anniversary Slowly. Think of Good Times.

    God Bless You
