Not feeling too bad??

  • 12 replies
  • 29 subscribers

This is a really hard post to write but I need honest answers and no judgement which I know is available on this site. Does anyone ever feel ok for days or even weeks at a time? I’m wondering if there’s something wrong with me? Does it mean I didn’t love my husband (of 34 years) properly if I’m not feeling sad all the time? I miss him and feel sad and lonely at times and he feels so very very far away, and now and then I’ve had what Geoff on here calls a ‘grief attack’ ( lots of sobbing) but not as much as I’d expected. I’m sleeping, eating, working, functioning. Or am I still in shock and disbelief? He only died in September. I feel guilty for not feeling worse. How mad is that? 

  • Thank you everyone for your replies. I’m reassured and grateful to move a little closer to understanding my own grief process because of what all of you have said. You’ve really helped x

    Trying to be like the tree that bends with the wind and rain and thus weathers the storm
  • Hi Alison,

    I came on this thread a bit late. Basically, I just wanted to say the same thing as evrybody else. There was a time near the beginning when I thought, 'Hey, I'm not doing too badly' and was feeling quite proud of myself, actully, and at the same time wondering if I hadn't really loved Gilles. Perhaps our brains or some natural instinct give us some relief for a while from the trauma and pain. Grief is definitely not a straight line. 

    My husband I were two loners who found each other. I have very few friends but he had even fewer or none at all, as he just lost touch with people over the years or didn't bother to try keeping in touch. I have people I can talk to (my sisters and a few friends - all on the phone, as we all live in different countries); he would not have had anybody, had I been the 1st to go, but, on the other hand, he was more philosophical and had  good coping mechansims in times of trouble. He was worried about me because he knew how hard this would be for me. I guess, in the end, it doesn't matter; somebody has to go first and it can only be suffering for the other.