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  • i am not allowed to copyright my poems so i have deleted this

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Darkhorse123

    Love it.

    i tried to express my grief the type that just stops you in your tracks no warning 

    To Jerry

    I had to  stop were I was I at.

    Sit I did and from the world I hid.

    the sun still shines and the wind may blow.

    But my love is lost,  and I can not go.

    So here I sit, where we once we stood

    To see the view and wish I could

    Hear your voice or feel your touch

    But now your gone and missed so much

    hours pass, then days,  now months.

    your timelines still, and mine just jumps   

    Our journeys split, though once entwined

    until  the day our souls   combine

    A new journey  I must take

    And live life twice for both our sake

    ©️Katie M

  • For My Chris - Martha G M

    I have never known this kind of pain before,

    But I had never known this kind of love before.

    One must follow the other, I suppose, when death comes.

    But death cannot kill love, indeed, it only makes it stronger.

    It lives on in my heart and in his eternal and limitless energy – 

    in his spirit that will not, that cannot be diminished.

    He lives on in his children, in his grandchildren, present and future, 

    and in the hearts of those who loved him.

    He lives on in me and the myriad memories we made together.

    I held his hand as he slipped away,

    Told him I loved him for the millionth time … and the last time,

    Kissed his face and hands and heard his final breath.

    And in that moment, I knew my life would never be the same,

    And while I hope to never again feel this depth of sadness, 

    I will always be full of love, because that is what he left me… 

    a legacy of love and laughter and silliness and goodness.

    "i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart) ..."
    Life must end, but love is eternal.

  • I hope no-one will take offence:


    This grief is my cross, the nails are my memories.

    Your dying was my Passion, my garden of Gethsemane.

    I wear the crown of thorns that weds me to my past.

    The blood that drips into the broken cup is now unrequited love.

    It seeps into your ashes from which no Phoenix will arise.

    There is no Mary Magdalene to quench my thirsting heart

    Or with perfumed water, soothe my aching soul.

    The tears on my tongue are my only refreshment,

    Their salt, a bitter salve to my festering wound.

    Where are the feathered angels, the guardians of our lives ?

    Are they all deserters encamped amongst themselves ?

    This anguish laced with acid robs me of myself

    As it eats away the stitches that held my fragile seams.


    The cloak has fallen; the garment we had sewn together is no more -

    The lots were cast by some conniving thieves

    And I, the beggar, wear but half, while the so-called saints in heaven

    Hang out with my other half and leave me in the cold.

  • another fabulous piece xx

  • Dear all,

    Just thought I would share one of my poems.  Probably more apt for the carers group, as this was inspired by our attitude during my husband's illness, but sharing it nevertheless. I do have one titled "acknowledging grief" but don't feel ready to share this at the moment but will do soon.... 

    I totally agree with Val/Darkhorse that creativity can be very healing.

    With lots of love,

    Dutsie Xx      

    The night of the storm #Menorca 2018

    Under cover outside in the storm,

    We were delighted

    Under the cloud of the diagnosis,

    Some would say we were blighted

    In the midst of the storm we had choices

    Instead of that sinking feeling that is accompanied by darkness,

    We decided upon enjoying the dark sky illuminated by lightness

    We reminisced into the early hours and he shared,

    I feel incredibly lucky with life I have had

    I now reminisce alone looking up at the night sky,

    Our decision to make the most I am so glad 

    © Dutsie 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Dutsie

    I you were the only girl in the world

    and I was the only boy

    We would be drawn together

    That would be our only choice

    But there are six billion souls alive

    On. This planet of blue and green

    Even so we met and loved

    And found our true life's deam

    So how can that be if it were not for fate

    That we loved and bred and then we lost

    What cost did we pay for that first day

    When our eyes first met

    Our heart first jioned

    Two nieve kids with plenty of time

    A time infinite, but still bound

    To a mortal life. 

    Now that time has blown our world apart

    I hoe that mortality was just thevstat

    Of our journey, with each other. 

    I could never love another.