
  • 37 replies
  • 28 subscribers

Like many of us sleep is an issue. Last night I had dropped off to sleep and woke suddenly and reached out for my husband who I thought I saw. Instantly I realised I was wrong and it was my mind playing tricks which was so frightening. I was in floods of tears and got little sleep. I so wish he was here to reassure me.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Newb

    Woke up about half an hour ago after just 3 hours sleep and I'm wide awake again. Hate this.

  • Its awful isn't it, I am always tired! I didn't go to bed til 1ish, had a couple of g&it's as I was upset, was awake again before 5, have a bad head now!

    Mothers Day today, always makes me sad, lost my Mum nearly 30 years ago and now I don't have my hubby who used to make a fuss of me, breakfast in bed, lunch or dinner out, gifts, flowers the lot. I couldn't care less about any of those things, just want a hug from him.

    Oh well, will paint my smile on and get through another day as we all do.

    Ali x

    PS. I love that song, and every time I read your sign off I'm singing it in me head. LOL

  • Your step daughter will need lots of hugs and support today. It'll be a tough day for her.

  • I am always tired too, not sure why! My sleep varies but up early this am! 

    My back aches but worth it for the garden! 

    I am worried about what to do at work. I had no objection to moving departments but that was before we were getting Corona patients! It doesn't seem too logical to me what they are doing as it gives two infected hospitals in a town! And no clean one! I honestly moved into private care for an easier time before retirement and now worrying if I am going to get very ill when infected! Not sure how to approach this! I have read the RCNs advice and spoken to my sensible Dad. 

    Guess it will work out.

    Gorgeous sunny day so smile on as you say Ali.

    Love and Hugs Alison xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to AliG55

    I know and I feel like shit. Stomach has been playing up all night and feel so knackered. I think she is blanking mothers day out, which I'm fine with if she doesn't want to make a fuss but I did buy my Angel Belle flowers yesterday as I do every year. 

  • Hi limbo

    You are right. Signs are difficult to recognise when we are deep in grief. Signs can come in many forms but if you look for them you won't find them.They always spring up out of the blue when least expected and not in the form you might expect. Birds that follow you around. Coins appearing in the most unlikely places.( If you receive more than one check the dates.) Butterflies. Insects. A kind of cob web effect settling on your face or other part of the body. I receive this myself. Also I've got 5 coins. Four appeared in the house. Three shiny ones dated 2016. And the other appeared to drop out of my pocket just the otherday whilst in the street and fumbling for my car keys. A two pence piece. On the pavement it looked shiny. I Picked it up and checked the date. It was 2016. Ive kept all my coin gifts. Hope this helps.

    Love and Light

    Geoff x

    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Geoff999

    Hi all 

    the sleep you have or don’t  I’m in the same boat haven’t slept probably for a couple of mite have to take a tablet to nite start to sleep better then it starts again  get up three or fours a nite have a cup of biscuits or chocolate 

    not good could not get up very eat today feel sleep again. Get up late feel like shit all day  try staying up late Not sure if better going to bed by 10 at nite  cuddling pillows and beg her y to o come home 

    hope everybody had a good day 

    Martin x