What about Christmas

  • 17 replies
  • 29 subscribers

Hi all

I really don't know what to do about Christmas. I am going to family at Christmas which I am so grateful for but what do I do about a tree & decorations? We always loved Christmas & last year even when my husband was dying I still put the tree up & he did manage to come downstairs for an hour or so when the family came round & enjoyed the tree & cards but this year what do I do the family pop in but I don't feel I can decorate a tree this year I don't really feel like it. How do you all feel? I am having dinner with one of our sons & I will se the others but I sort of want a small tree in our home but I really can't get in the mood . We always loved Christmas & enjoyed it so much but now it's all changed . Can any of you give me suggestions of what I should do . I really want to have decorations up but it does seem pointless when it's only me & whatever I do not many people will see them but I do need to do something even if it's only for me. 

This will be my first Christmas without my darling I do want to keep going but so unsure of how to cope. I would appreciate any help & ideas I know there are so many of you experiencing exactly the same as me so maybe we can share our ideas & feelings. 

Loe & hugs

jojo xxx

  • It's so hard to know what to do. Even if no one else will see it if you want some decorations then have some. 

    Look to the moon.
    Can't imagine any future without my soulmate
  • Hi jojo 

    I lost the love of my life 12th July this year. I'm not putting up any decorations in fact I'm throwing them away apart from the fibre optic Christmas tree ( I don't know why?) which I wont be displaying. I'm going to my daughter's for Christmas for a few days but I honestly feel like telling her I'd rather be alone and on my own and treat it like any other days. My heart is truly not in this - which for me - has now become a pointless ritual. 

    Love and Light 


    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • Hi JoJo

    Last year was my first without my husband and even if I didn't want to do Christmas our sons who were 18 and 13 most certainly did. We had everything up as we Always used to. It brought back memories which made us laugh and cry.

    What I couldn't do was write Christmas cards.. I couldn't physically not put Robs name first. So I didn't send any, I explained to my family and they were fine. Something that really upset me was receiving cards just addressed to me, not the usual Mr and Mrs. Another reminder, as if I needed it that Rob was gone.

    I've written the above not to add to your worry more to prepare you. If you want to decorate then do so, maybe just get out the things and see how you feel. I love how a room looks with only the light from a Christmas tree, don't worry too much, there's plenty of time to decide.

    • Ruby diamond x
  • I will be going to my kids house for Xmas day and boxing day my house won't have and decorations up my wife always did that it would emotionally kill me I think just couldn't face it it's never going to be Xmas again for me anyway

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Ruby Diamond

    Hi Ruby & all

    Thank you for your replies. I will try that getting the decorations out & see how I feel. Cards are a problem I think I will send cards but dread the ones I receive from people that may not know, you know the ones that you receive every year from people you have met over the years but you are not really close to, I can't bear as you said to letting them know just by writing only my name. I think I am overthinking this don't you? It's just that different things come into my mind. 

    Thinkng of going to our local Hospice for the Carol service & also hanging a dove in remembrance on the tree not sure whether to go on my own or ask my family to come with me, don't wan to make them feel more sad so much going on in my head , I still haven't scattered his ashes yet & it's coming up for a year .

    love to you all

    jojo x

  • I think the service at the hospice will be a lovely thing to attend. I would definitely go. Maybe tell your family you are going and see if they offer to come with you. 

    You can only do things at your pace, don't worry about scattering your husband's ashes. He won't mind I'm sure.


    • Ruby diamond x
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Ruby Diamond

    Hi Ruby

    thaank you I think I will do that tell them & see what they say xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    My husband died in May. We always had Christmas at our house, big tree, decorations, lights, candles. Apart from last Christmas, when he wasn't really up to it, we had neighbours in for drinks. My son, daughter and I have decided we should do something a bit different this year, so we're going to my son's for 2 nights, and then they're coming to mine on Boxing Day. I wasn't going to put a tree up but my daughter persuaded me, but I'll buy an artificial one. Really couldn't cope with a real tree, John was the one who lugged it into the car, into the house, watered it, and took it down after New Year. But I know he'd have been sad if we didn't try to enjoy Christmas. It will be hard though.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Pleased you have sorted out what you are going to do. I think maybe I will get a small artificial one I know my husband would like me to carry on & not be too sad but it will be tough for us all . 

    Loads of love

    jojo x

  • Hi Jojo and all,

    I haven't thought Christmas much. Last year, I so did not feel in the mood for Christmas. It was the first Christmas without my husband. I didn't put up any decorations, avoided Christmas get togethers and avoided listening to Christmas music on the radio. Christmas - and in fact most of the months leading up to it - passed in a blurr, I can't even remember them now.

    I am not sure about this year. Well, I am going to spend the actual time of Christmas and New Year's with my family in Germany. And before that? I am not sure. I love the idea of decorations because I have always loved them and I am wondering if it would be good to put them up and maybe even have a small tree and just see how that feels or what feelings and memories that may trigger, just almost like an experiment, you know. But then I am not sure if the idea is good because it's only me here and who is going to enjoy everything with me. There is also a wierd part in me which feels that creating new memories of Christmas in this house would sort of weaken the old ones of Paul's and my Christmas here in the house and I would love to keep the memories strong.

    I think I will put a lot of candles around and maybe a few lights in the window. But definitely not a tree.

    Love, Mel.

    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds.