Are our loved ones here in spirit or have they just gone

  • 12 replies
  • 27 subscribers

I'm hoping my wife is here in spirit but not sure 

  • I think you are correct there has got to be something after death not sure what but we can't just disappear and that's it  wouldn't it be nice if we could just feel them near sometimes I have twice but now nothing so sad

  • Hi Newb 

    I cannot recommend highly enough the short YouTube video I mentioned in my last post. Dr. Lloyd Rudy is at the top of his profession as a heart surgeon. He isclearly a man of science and also a humanitarian. He explains to the interviewer the clear cut evidence that whilst two of his patients had technically died on the operating table they recovered under the most mind boggling ways. He provides the evidence they had left their bodies during 'so called death." whilst they provided information as to what happened to them during  visiting the spiritual domain. Being a man of science Dr Rudy however was more interested in the clear cut evidence that they had indeed left their earthly bodies. Dr Rudy is a lovely man with an infectious laugh and personality which makes the whole production very entertaining. Whilst I understand some folk might feel unerved by the thought of viewing such a  vide,  for me its changed my whole understanding of this fascinating subject. However we all must believe what we want to believe based on many factors.

    Love and Light


    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.