Are our loved ones here in spirit or have they just gone

  • 12 replies
  • 27 subscribers

I'm hoping my wife is here in spirit but not sure 

  • I am sure they are newb.  I think I have already mentioned the lost back door key and the blue ray recorder turning itself on.  I often wonder if they are missing us as much as we are missing them.  Did they die, or did we. I know my husband died.  I was there.  He knew so much.  Where is all that knowledge now.  I am sure their ispirits are with us.  As long as you hold her close and talk about her she will live on. Xx

  • Personally, no I don't think my husband is here in any way. I really hope he's in heaven and we'll be together one day. I don't think he has any sense of my life and in many ways I'm glad of this. I wouldn't want him to know how totally awful my existence is. 

    Sorry for being so negative. CryCryCry

    Look to the moon.
    Can't imagine any future without my soulmate
  • Your not being negative that is your opinion one day we will all find out hopefully they are in heaven or wherever that will be the best gift for me and everyone else 

  • Yes, one day we will all find out,  who knows, but I know what I prefer to believe. Xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to likido

    I think death will be the same state for me as I was in before I was born. I find nothing to fear in that, just as I find nothing to fear in loss of consciousness when I sleep. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    All I have left is the hope that Audrey is still around and I will see, or feel or be somthing with here again. Xxx

  • Hi Newb and all. 

    If you research credible sites on YouTube for example 'Famous Cardiac Surgeons Stories of Near Death Experiences in Surgery' with Dr. Lloyd Rudy. Or read ' Near Death Experiences' by Penny Sartori. An NHS palliative nurse who studied this subject and associated matters for 5yrs whilst on duty,  you'll see and read that WE DONT DIE. Our body dies, yes. But our spirit passes into another domain of pure love and forgiveness. Penny Sartori states many cases of where a patient who is about to pass over has been met by a loved one in spirit to guide them over. She has proved this phenomenon is NOT drug induced or hallucinations. But now the big question:-  Do our loved ones visit us or stay close after passing over. The scientific answer is YES. The problem may rise as to whether we have the ability to sense them or not as they try to communicate. Apparently they find it hard if we are searching for them or are too grief stricken in mind. This for some reason sets up barriers. In another post I explained how my  lovely wife Anne visited me about three days after she passed over. And she has made many other visits -  but less astounding as the former-  by making her presence known. My face becomes tingly as if a cobweb is brushing my face and I sense a feeling of calm. A smile develops and at that stage I say to her " Hello my darling. I love you so much." I hope this helps

    Love and Light 


    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • Our loved ones are here in our memories. There are a lot of situations that will make me think of him as you can’t live with someone for 34 years without it having some effect. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to puddle fish

    Hi All, 

    I am 100% convinced our love ones are around us, like you Geoff I feel him touching my face I also feel like a cold feeling on my lips I feel him around me all the time even now writing this I felt that cold but warm lovely feeling I’m my face he would stroke my face and that’s what I feel still now 

    I talk to him I have always been frightened to stay on my own of a night and yet since he’s passed I don’t i thought I’d be terrible but I feel him with me I just say watch over me tonight babe kiss his side of the pillow then if I go to sleep I always have a robin looking in through my window also 

    I’ve also had a bird hit my window a couple of times I’ve been sitting watching tv next minute this bird just flys right into the window it’s happened about 3 times since he’s passed I don’t know if it’s a good or bad omen x

  • FormerMember

    Hi one and all,

    It is my own personal opinion 100% that our loved one's visit us frequently. This is because I'm a firm believer in some form of after life without hesitation.

    Our partner's can see us and hear us but the reason they cannot communicate with us is because if they were able to the suicide rate would be sky high over night and we'd be off to them before you could say Jack Robinson, I'd be first in the queue.

    There are two camps as far as I'm concerned, the first is the known camp, we all know our loved one's can't come back to us here but the second camp is the unknown and nobody can dispute whether there is some form of afterlife or not and I choose to believe that there is.

    Everybody is entitled to their own personal choice of belief. I prefer to run with the unknown camp in preference to the known camp any day.

    May you all find some peace in your beliefs.