Does anyone else feel similar to me after the initial loss of a loved one?

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Hello everyone. 

I lost my wife of 50yrs  - the love of my life - approaching 3 months ago. Although the early highly emotional and gripping grief attacks have subsided: replaced by the occasion teary moments; yet something else has overwhelmed  them. I've lost the spark for life. I see the bird feeder empty and the birds looking for food and I feel ' I can't be bothered to fill it. Maybe tomorrow? Maybe later?.' I used to be inspired by credible reported accounts and YouTube videos on Spiritual matters from folk who were clearly not con merchants like Doctors, surgeons and paliative nurses -  and I feel nothing. I simply observe. I can socialise again and laugh along with the crowd and then walk through the front door of our house and say affectionately to my dear Anne's photo " Hello love I'm home.'  then do what has to be done. I'm not suffering from depression or anxiety- far from the truth. I'm just acting out a role in life like a puppet that's having its strings pulled by who I imagine is the Producer/ Director of this theatrical production called life. The old Geoff has gone. As if the old Geoff passed away along with his beloved soul mate. The new Geoff isn't unhappy or even happy, he just IS. I strongly believe I'll be acting out this life  role until its my turn to bow to the audience and fade out. And It matters not if its tomorrow or when ever. Like I said. The spark has gone.

Light and Love


  • You expressed that so perfectly. I am exactly the same. My husband died on September 30, 2018. We marked the anniversary of his death (or the weekend before) by scattering his ashes in his favourite place in the world. And it brought me a moment of peace and happiness. But then I returned home and I lost any sense of anything other than numb acceptance. I have a photo of my Chris next to the bed and I speak with him every night, praying for some sign or a visit in my dreams. Once, when I whispered "I love you," I know I heard him say it back. But he's not here and I sometimes don't see the point. I have great kids (his daughter and son and my daughter) and two wonderful granddaughters I love more than anything, so I don't know why that's not enough to make me feel better. I want to live, but I can't seem to find the energy. I was a silversmith and jewellery designer - I haven't made a piece in over a year and despite my mind thinking about it, I just can't seem to make myself go into my studio to create anything. I'm lost and empty...


    "i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart) ..."
    Life must end, but love is eternal.

  • Hi Martha 

    Thank you for replying. I do understand exactly what you are saying. I too have great support from our two children and grandson but when I'm on my own there's nothing to compensate the loss of my Anne. When you say you can't go into your studio and create anything reminds me that I too  have lost the inspiration to involve myself in the many projects I always had on the go. Just small things like building bird boxes or replaning the garden. In fact I've grassed over our vegetable plot. Anne  loved  her home grown  tomatoes, french beans, runner beans and courgettes. I've now no interest in growing them for me. I've yet to scatter Anne's ashes on the corn field she so loved to see from  our static holiday  caravan. I've given the van up now. Too many memories for me to keep it on. It's since been towed off the site and the plot is bare like we were never there. This all might sound very down beat and negative but it  represents my feelings and so I go along with them. Having lost my darling just three months ago I truly have no idea where my life is leading and to be honest I don't care very much. What will be will be.

    Love and Light.


    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.