Don’t think I can cope with anymore bad news.

  • 4 replies
  • 25 subscribers

After having a really bad struggle this week,panic attacks etc.I have now got told my sister.-in-law passed away last night,So that’s four of my family in just over a year,Can’t believe this is happening to me,The worst was losing my wonderful husband,I’ve been struggling all week crying myself to sleep missing him so much., and now again more bad news.when will it start to get better.Hope everyone else have had a better day, and hope you all manage to get some sleep.Think I might visit doctor on Monday and get something to help me, I’ve resisted up to now but I’m not getting to sleep until the early hours and then it’s only a couple of hours and not deep sleep.I will stop writing now before I bore everyone.  Take care everyone.

  • Hi Val

    Good idea to go to the doctor. That's what they are there for. Are you on meds for your panic attacks?   I've been on Citalopram for many years regarding clinical depression and acute anxiety. The meds have been a life saver-  laterally. Take with a large pinch of salt any negative stories you may have heard about SSRI's -  the name of these calming drugs. My meds have helped me enormously with my wife Anne's passing 11 weeks ago as well as years ago when we had three deaths in our family within 8 months. Father-in Law. Daughters fiance aged 32. And my Mother. 

    Love and Light


    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • Morning Val

    I'm so sorry about your sister in law, what an awful time you are having. You must be exhausted by it all, grieving is all consuming.

    You must go see your Doctor, no need to struggle on without abit of help. I'm sure your husband would also be urging you to look after yourself.

    Nobody is bored by anything anyone feels they need to say on here. It may help someone else who is also struggling so never feel guilty.

    Please be kind to yourself this weekend and make that appointment on Monday. Sending you a hug 

    • Ruby diamond x
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Geoff999

    Morning Geoff,thank you for your reply,yes I’m giving in because I can’t do this without help.thought I could manage but I was wrong,I was on Diazepam for my panic attacks and anxiety but my last doctor weaned me off them as I had been taking them for such a long time, but the doctor I have now offered me something when I first lost Alan I refused but was told I could always change my mind and the way I am at the moment I now know I need something.It sounds like you went through a terrible time with  the loss of three family close to each other,makes you wonder how we cope when it gets so bad. Well I’m just pottering around today cleaning kitchen cupboards out just to keep me occupied,mind I think I put more back in than I throw out. I hope your day goes as well as it can and you manage ok.

    Take care, Val

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Ruby Diamond

    Morning Ruby Diamond,Thank you,I am going to doctors because I know now I need something to help me,and Doctor did say go back if I needed something.Hope you are not struggling to badly, and manage to have a decent weekend if that’s possible,..

    Sending you a hug back...Val....