Having a bad day...week....month

  • 8 replies
  • 26 subscribers

It’s been 4 months since my wonderful, loving husband passed away. Every day seems to be getting harder while everyone else seems to be getting on with life. Funny there is so much to sort at the beginning then life gets back to ‘normal’ what ever that is now. Hindsight is a wonderful thing. I got a seasonal job to get me out the house  but I’ve hated it so I’m counting the days till I finish.

I thought I was doing ‘ok’ but since a silly thing triggered tears on Monday everything has. Tonight I ended up in floods and my lovely, loyal dog came and comforted me, which made me worse!!!. I didn’t know who to call or message then I remembered all you wonderful folks who know totally how I feel and decided to log on and share. I haven’t posted in this group before but did use the Carers group. 

Take care folks,

  • Hi HMS1956

    I'm so sorry you have had to join us. I also lost my kind loving husband. Life is so lonely without them by outside.

    Well done for sticking at your job even though you want it to end. I'm glad you have a dog for company, have you had your dog long? I got a rescue dog in May and she honestly makes me smile daily. 

    Keep posting as often as you need to, we all understand.

    I hope you have a peaceful evening  

    • Ruby diamond x
  • I'm sorry for your loss you are in the right place as all of us in here have lost our other half it's a good place to air your feelings and have a good rant there is always someone here to reply and try to help 

  • Hi Ruby Diamond

    Thank you. I’ve been reading posts on here since George died but today I just felt lost and hence the post. We’ve had our wonderful dog since a pup in March 2013 (George’s 60th birthday) he’s never been walked so much. 


  • Newb, thank you.


  • My dog is a great companion. I walk her twice a day and without fail someone someone stops to speak to us. Just a simple chat about the weather or what sort of dog she is, is sometimes a challenge but I always feel better after my walk.

    I also always read everyone's posts and post occasionally. Usually when I don't want to burden my son's with my sadness. 


    • Ruby diamond x
  • Hi there,

    I am sorry for everyone's pain tonight.

    I know myself that it's the little things - the things we would call "silly things" - that trigger us sometimes.

    It is good to come here and talk about it.

    Like Ruby Diamond, I am always here reading most posts, even though I may not always reply.

    I have found, as my life got busier, that it was harder to keep up with all the posts and to reply. But I love coming on here because it is such a comfort to know that I am not alone in how I feel and that we are all going through the same pain of missing a loved one so so very much.

    I am okay at the moment. Just getting on with it.

    Love to everyone and strength!


    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds. 

  • FormerMember


    I think that is one of the toughest things I've had to face - being alone, usually at night, when I feel the worst and not having someone I feel I can talk to about it. So many of my family and friends have offered to 'be there' for me and they are doing wonderful things to try and help me. 

    But when it's midnight and I can't sleep because I'm so broken up over the loss of my wife I don't feel like I can call someone and talk to them about it. There's only one person who could comfort me and she's the one I'm mourning. 

    On the whole, it's good to let your emotions out. I think I try to keep them under control too much of the time so when the dam breaks it's probably a good thing. I agree with you, unless someone has gone through the loss of a spouse they really can't fully understand how we feel. 

    Let it out here, we share your loss.

  • Lostfish. You're so right that night time is very hard on our own. The loneliness is emphasised even more. I don't think I'll ever get used to it.

    Look to the moon.
    Can't imagine any future without my soulmate