I know Im treading a dangerous path but at 74 I can live with it. Or maybe die from it?

  • 12 replies
  • 27 subscribers

Hi everyone.

As some of you maybe aware I'm a retired Met Police Officer. The only reason I state this is because when I  joined in 1972 we all used alcohol after our shifts to unload the pressures of the day. If you've ever seen the series ' Ashes to ashes or Life on Mars ' you would see the police culture of drinking as it was then. It's important for me to say that nobody should follow my present path unless you've experienced a life in the armed forces or the police. In which case I'm teaching granny to suck eggs. I lost the love of my life  nearly 11 weeks ago having been married for 50yrs. I'm coping because when I've had a drink I can go about the business of going through the house and dealing with the vast amount of bits and bobs my Anne had squirreled away but has no longer has any useful function to my existance. But her clothes will always remain. Always.  Im certainly not trying to eradicate her loving existance in our house. Far from it. For me and many of my past colleagues -some still living into their 80's - using drink has become a way of life. I only know of one officer who became an alcoholic. He was my best friend and has sadly passed.

So why have I posted this ?  I'm not really sure. Perhaps it was to offload?  Perhaps it was to say I'm coping and dealing with my tragic loss  in a way that works for me? I just dont want to end up a totally sober man who for goodness sake does'nt know how many years he  would have to  live with the constant pain of unbearable grief. I'll totally understand if I get no replies to this post. I mean - what could you say ? Just what could you say? 

Love and Light


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Ww123

    So sorry you have found yourself in this group Ww123 ,I lost my husband a year ago to pancreatic cancer he passed away three weeks after being diagnosed and it was on our daughters birthday, I felt like you the first few weeks thinking he was just in hospital and would be home soon.please try and look after yourself and try and remember to eat,I have found this group is such a help because we all understand,Always here for a chat..

    Take care Val.

  • Hi Www3

     I discovered that things will happen in their own time.  It's all about surviving for the very moment: such as it is.    Life has treated you cruelly losing both Dad then hubby in such a short space of time. I'm sorry I don't have any answers. When we are launched by fate into the abyss we some how find our own way to survive. Each and every one of us clutches at the very straw which keeps from going under.  Take care.

    Love and Light


    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.