Grieving. Its just suddenly got worse after two months + Has anyone else experienced this?

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  • 27 subscribers

My grieving has suddenly  got worse. I lost the love of my life just over two months ago. Despite the bad and not so bad says I seemed to be survinging somewhat OK. But the last two days have been hell. My mind has closed down and I'm walking around in a zombie state. I go through the day just doing what has to be done but its like seeing life through a thick fog. And there are  bouts of intense upset where my inner pain and crying seems  to be rising up from my very soul. I know I've been over doing the socialising during the last four days. Not deliberately but as a result of pre planned meetings that some how coincided with each other. Of course during these meetings my mind was taken away from the severe aspects of my loss so perhaps I've some how been suppressing my grief to the point of denial. Who knows?  But now I'm paying the price it seems. Today I had to go in town to the bank to sort out some finances but in my zombie state of mind.  Suddenly on arrival the intensity of  flash backs regarding  past memories where Anne would have been with me stabbed me like constant  sword thrusts  to my heart. Some how I did what I had to do but on the bus home I was close to getting off before my stop. Hiding the uncontrollable tears rolling down my face. Pretending I had something in my eye whilst frequently  blowing my nose. Getting home was such a relief but then the grief started all over again. A few beers have helped quell the worst of it. Sorry about my ramblings. I just needed to express all this in writing. That's why our site is such a god send.It's the best form of counselling for me.

Love and Light


  • Hi Geoff  I know what you mean  I thought I was improving yesterday now I'm hiding in the toilet at work a lot can't seem to stop the tears hope it gets better through the rest of the day have another beer for me all the best

  • Newb. You are such a good friend.

    Our 'journey'  as the modern day term describes it, seems to be very much on a par. As you know I'm retired. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?  Who knows. I'm drinking another beer now and sending you strength my friend.

    Love and Light.


    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • I think if I was retired I would have cracked up by now I don't know how you do it

  • At weekends I am like a spinning top can't sit still wash car go to shops take dogs for a walk I used to enjoy fishing but lost interest can't sit that long if I sit still I have flash backs of the last few minutes of her death horrible when will it ever ease up 

  • Hi Geoff. Two months is such a short time, but such a long time to be with out your soulmate. Not to talk to her, see her or hold her hand. 

    Ia am 10 weeks on this journey yet it seems like forever. It definitely is getting harder and not easier especially when you see other couples out walking and shopping together. 

    I am retired as well but work 3 days a week for 3 or 4 hours. It passes a bit of time but that’s all 

    I will have a drink later on but first I’ll try and get some jobs done around the house first. 

    I wish I could say something that would take the loneliness away, but I can’t. 

    We can only live in hope. 


    Love you always Winnie xx
  • Hi Mike 

    You also are on the same journey as Newb and myself. 

    Like you I always get the jobs around the house done first before having a beer. Not so long ago I installed some Venetian blinds up in our front room. They let so much more light in than nets and the slightest tilt of the slats stops people seeing in but doesn't in anyway obstruct the light or you seeing out. I just needed as much light in as I could get. Anything to somehow brighten my spirits. My lovely Anne wouldn't have approved I know. And I felt guilty after I'd completed the job. Anne was so careful about choosing her new nets. And they had to hang just right. I never could do it. I know Im being stupid but as I looked at her picture later on I apologised to her for the change, explaining why I did it. The guilt now seems to have gone. I'm not sure if the lonelyness will ever completely go. I spent 50yrs in that beautiful lady's company. I'm not a man who lives for his own needs. It's just my nature. Perhaps eventually I'll learn to somehow work around it? 

    Love and Light.


    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • FormerMember

    Afternoon Geoff,so sorry to hear today has been really bad for you.buts it’s understandable,it’s still early days for you,everything is still raw.I lost my husband Alan just over a year ago and I’m still trying to come to terms with it,I do have days where I just have a few tears but someday I cry like a baby,today being one of them days.And I know what you mean about trying to hide the tears,I had visitors this morning and when asked if I was ok I lied and said I had just put drops in my eyes.And please don’t apologies for what you call rambling we all come on here to do it,I’m guilty of that,the site is like counselling because we can all understand..Whenever I write on here I hope I have said the right things,as I would hate to upset anyone,I really hope tomorrow is a bit better day for you......Val

  • Hi Val 

    Thank you for your very kind and understanding response. I can never believe you could not say the right things. All of us on this site know we are treading on egg shells. Not just in respect of our own feelings but others also. It's folk like you that make our site so cherished and valuable. 

    Love and Light 


    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • I'm sorry to read that you're having a bad time or should I say even worse time.  Hope you manage to get some rest tonight.

    Look to the moon.
    Can't imagine any future without my soulmate
  • FormerMember

    Hello Geoff,

    I'm rapidly approaching two years. I'm am as devastated now as the fateful night. I have cried every single day for almost two years. I have no desire to live whatsoever, never did since that night.

    For me personally my situation hasn't and can never ever improve. I'm beyond any help, totally inconsolable, devastated and nothing but a dead man walking. I only do what I absolutely have to do and nothing more. I pray each and a very single day, there are no prizes I'm afraid for guessing my prayers.

    There are always people that tar everybody with the same brush and think that everybody is the same, they couldn't be any further from the truth if they tried. They think that they know everything and know nothing. They don't know what I do or say every day and have done for almost two years now which is suffice to say they are wrong. I will never ever change, until........

    People are so judgemental when it comes to other people's lives, my life my decision.

    May everyone find the comfort they need, I never will.

    Take care one and all.