Flash backs plus hot and cold flushes now a nighmare!

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  • 27 subscribers

It's been just over 2 months since losing my beautiful wife Anne of 50yrs. Following on from the initial denial, shock, and grief attacks I was surviving as well as I could expect. But now the grief attacks, along with hot and cold flushes,  have returned with a vengance!  And added to that, constant flash backs of which  I've few  up until now. These  constant grief attacks are the worse. Sudden out of the blue tears and total heart broken despair. Some times Im on the verge of howling like a wolf but supress it because of the embarrassment it would cause. I managed to do a few thing today like cleaning only part of the car- I didn't have the motivation to finish it.  I ordered some window blinds on line then went shopping. I managing the usual politeness expected at the tills  whilst my zombie true self just looked on from the side line in between searching for where Anne might be hiding in the aisles,  ready to pop out and surprise me. I resented the clear blur sky and sunshine above me creating yet another flash back of the last time this summer we went shopping together. This has now become a  living hell and I don't understand why? Why it was I was able to take two steps forward but have now taken four steps back?  Is this normal my friends ? 

Love and Light.


  • Yes I have horrible flash backs hot flushes are from my injection so not sure about them but the flash backs have me in total dispair

  • Hi Geoff.  I have been on this journey for over six years.  Don’t be too hard on yourself.  I am sure you have heard it before but it such early days and still so raw.  Things will improve, you will learn how to accept what is.  Just give yourself time.  One day you will feel a very slight lifting of your spirits and that will be the beginning.  Take care of yourself till then. Love Dolly xx

  • Hi Geoff. Just over 2 months for me as well, The grief attack’s seem to come in waves  and they don’t get any easier. 

    Shopping is one thing I hate doing. Just wonder around the isles not sure what I want to buy. Usually microwave food but you get sick of that to

    I haven’t cleaned the car in 2 months no motivation to do it. I was going to clean the windows today but didn’t, I’ll do it another day , it’s only me looking out them anyway.

    Went for a walk today but no joy in that either.

    i really hope it gets better for all of us because we are not living we are just existing.

    take care.


    Love you always Winnie xx
  • Flashbacks are awful aren't they. I have them too.

    You did well today. 

    Look to the moon.
    Can't imagine any future without my soulmate
  • THANK YOU  MIKE and  EVERYONE for your insights.

    This is  such a tortuous journey we are all on isn't it ?  I've discovered that hot and cold flushes are associated with shock.! So obviously when my grief attacks are acute a type of bodily shock is taking place. I'm not surprised at all. Yes it is early days yet but at the moment I can't see any light at the end of the tunnel. My 86yr old friend across the road has been widowed ( horrible word isn't it ?) for nearly 6 months and told me he cries every morning when he gets up and walks into an empty living room. He states it won't ever go away but who knows. 

    Love and Light


    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • Hi Dolly 

    Thanks for your inspiring message of hope. It's rare to have anyone who has  been on their own following a bereavement for so many years to post on our site. All of the rest of us are still struggling with the early weeks, months, and years. I know what you mean by the term ' A very light lifting of spirits and that will be the beginning.'  I've experience this quite a few times before in my 74yrs. Obviously at this moment in time that feeling seems light years away and I know its not something I can look for. Things happen in their own time. One of my life philosophies is believing that non of us are really in control of our lives. Because if that were true we would also have to have control over others action and the actions of fate. Maybe somewhere someone, something is simple pulling the strings over this great theatre of life? 

    Love and Light

    Geoff x

    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.