Feeling lost

  • 3 replies
  • 24 subscribers

Hi I lost my mum to bowel cancer 2015 my dad to prostate cancer 2016 then my husband to adrenal cancer 2016 everyone I loved gone with cancer I stayed in Scotland and with the help from Macmillan cancer support and hospice was amazing ,but moved to blackpool on January to be close by our sons I needed help they needed help but just recently I've been bad place broke lost feel terrible I know it's 3 years but so so hard and with the move I feel I have no fimalirty I lost my speech due to the trauma as after my husband's death my best friend died then my nephew and uncle both in a house fire and called my phone shouting and screaming I can't call any one for help when low or answer my phone I miss everyone so much and feel I can't get help here in blackpool in Scotland I had an advocate but can't get one here I attend mental health who is trying to help me but I break as can't speak and have to write it down I feel terrible and lost and no idea what to do or were to go for help and past few weeks been bad stumach in knots can't eat keep crying and keep asking why ,and have I done write thing in moving sorry for long story just so lost   x 

  • This site is great for airing your problems always someone to answer you it is very hard I know everyone here is going through the same and know how you feel thinking of you  hope you feel better soon 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Toffeepop.

    i have no answers for you but just wanted to acknowledge your post and say how very sorry I was to read of all the trauma you have suffered, and are still suffering.

    My Paul died in 2016 too and I remember reading posts from you back then,  when we were both on the first stages of this awful journey.  

    So we are both 3 years on, and like you I have been struggling a bit.   But nothing like you are feeling.  I am just so sorry and feel so sad that this has all happened to you.  When did you move to Blackpool?  Maybe you just need to give yourself time to adjust to your new life and to get to know people there?  Easier said than done I know.  i just hope there is more help out there for you and maybe Mental Health can help you find it? 

    In the meantime, I am thinking of you and send you a big hug.  Keep posting on this forum.  I still turn to it every day.  Maybe just a habit I have got into but a comforting habit.


  • Pneumonia is what my wife died of it is a horrible thing you feel so helpless 
