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  • 25 subscribers

has anybody ever been to a medium. If yes how did you get on . 

  • Hi

    Not since Rob died, but before yes. I had private readings and they were quite accurate with alot of things.

    I keep considering having one now. I am nervous though. Rob really didn't believe so if he didn't come through I wouldn't be surprised but incredibly disappointed. So I'm still not sure!!!!

    Is it something you are considering??

    • Ruby diamond x
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Ruby Diamond

    I was looking into mediums and I'd go if I thought it wasn't a big con and a discusting con at that.

    Please tell me if you find out differently.

    I'm so desperate I'm trying ouigerboard. Looking into paganism, occult I've been studding religion's of the world. Metaphysics and quantum physics.

    I've always been interested in physics with gave me a head start, which was lucky cause its ard. 

    I have to say physics gives me the best hope of see Audrey again. Penrose/Hammeroff theory oc consciousness.

    There is also some idea from Rome or Greece about stating at a mirror in a dark room. 

    If you find a good way let everyone know.

    Or even a stupid way, they still give hope


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    My dear wife died 9 months ago. She is gone, she is dead, passed away. I will never see her again and this is very hard for me to deal with but deal with it I must. Every day I think of her and many days I get very tearful. When the sun is shining I think where would we have gone today but we will never go anywhere together again. I don't want some charlatan telling me that she is happy now and looking down on me. She died in terrible pain, kept alive for a few more days by massive doses of opioids. It was 6 months before I could look at a photo of her and I still get emotional when I look at her picture but we have to face the fact that when a loved one dies they are gone from our lives forever except in our memories. Having nursed Cath through the last weeks of her life I am now at last starting to remember the good times we shared together rather than the pain and the tears.

  • Try asking your wife to say something through the medium I asked my wife to ask about the dogs when I went the first thing the medium said was your wife says give the dogs a hug and he even told me what breed I can't really argue with that can i

    1. Hi ruby if Rob was keen to get in touch I'm sure believe or not he would be there just to let you know he was well and happy I didn't believe in it either til I went if it makes you feel better why not  
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Newb

    I must say the few people I know how have been to a medium do belive there is smoothing in it. 

    I was all set To go to one but then started looking into it I am to sceptical so it would not help me.

    If you think it might help you you should go for it. 


  • Hi I'm sorry for your loss but I don't think when we die we just go I'm sure our spirit stays here otherwise what is the point of life ?

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Newb

    Hi Mike, 

    I have to agree with Cumbria, that these people are charlatans. They take advantage of vulnerable and desperate people like us. 

    Just to pay someone to tell us, our other halves love us and they are looking at us, is not right. If these people really wanted to help, they wouldn't ask money for it. 

    My husband told me, he would be looking at me and protecting me when he was still alive, after the doctors told us the diagnosis and what we can expect. 

    Don't let these kind of things over take your mind. 

  • I'm sorry you think that way lavender I can only go on what was said to me I was told to nod or shake my head the medium didn't know I had just cancelled a holiday or just bought a nother car  or that I had to cocker spaniels I can only go on that evidence I think there must be something in it for him to know those things 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Newb

    Hi All 

    I have been to one I went to her a few years ago she told me my marriage was breaking down and I’d had enough and described I was going to meet this man described him to a T were he worked what he did how he’d start contacting me where he was born and now loving and how his child hood was. I thought what a load of crap  sometime later my was marriage over and here was this man we sat having a coffee he’d chased me for months he told me his life story were he was born and were he lives now. I went to the glove compartment of my car and got out all the notes I’d taken down and said to him read this I went to a Meduim he was blown away he didn’t believe in anything like that till I showed him that day our first date a coffee ha. When he was diagnosed with cancer I went to see her she told me it wasn’t good news it had spread and that his wife was going to emotionally blackmail him because of the pension and pay off he was now going to receive because he was going to be classed terminal. She even told me we’re the cancer had spread to when he went the docs for the biopsy results sure enough stage 4 and the cancer had spread in the places she said and then estrange wife started bombarding him with texts emotionally blackmailing him over there kids  just like the Meduim had said  

    my man always said once he was up there he’d be right back by my side and I feel him around me everyday. I went to the Meduim again she told me he’s always with me the night before I was going I spoke out to my man saying if your with me prove it when I go to the Meduim I want her to bring up 3 things one was about me getting a tattoo sure enough she said about the 3 things and said are you getting a tattoo he said he hopes it doesn’t hurt 

    I was gobsmacked she possibly couldn’t know the stuff she did if there isn’t something out there. All I did was say yes or no I didn’t speak to her or give any information she just asked me to say yes if I understand. She got his estrange wife down to a T also saying she emotionally blacked mailed him for the money she didn’t care about him and what he wanted and that she never shows any emotion what so ever  

    so I do believe our loved ones are around us if you do go don’t give them information let them tell you it all if they are genuine then they won’t need to ask you for anything x