Very Sad This Evening

  • 10 replies
  • 26 subscribers

Hi guys,

The following link brings you to a relaxation music I found on Youtube today as I was looking for some music to play during the next Reiki treatment. I find this music so so beautiful:

When I came home this evening, I decided to put it on and just sit here and listen to it. This is something I hardly ever do, just sit somewhere and listen to music, because I am afraid of what feelings I might discover and have to deal with when I do. And of course, it only took a couple of minutes before I started to cry, and I haven't stopped for the last 30 minutes or so.

If you asked me, "What are you feeling right this moment?", I couldn't tell you. I couldn't say, "I miss Paul" or "I feel lonely" or "I think of what could have been different".

What I feel is a sense of deep, deep soul sadness. I find this music so comforting and I think what set me off was the thought: I felt as comforted as when I listen to the music when I was in Paul's arms, and I will never feel his arms comforting me again.

I am sitting here without Paul and I will always be here without Paul. And he is already gone 15 months and life goes on and on and on. It's astonishing really.

I feel like I have lost direction in life and my purpose in a way too.

Yesterday I suddenly felt that I wanted to get a lemon tree. I have often thought about getting one but never did. So I went into this shop, spent 60 Euro on one, then came home and decided that I shouldn't have bought it because it was too big and perhaps too difficult to keep, then I decided that the sofa bed I bought last year after Paul's death was too big for my spare bedroom and that I should get an armchair instead, then I thought, okay, so then if I do that I can keep the lemon tree after all, and then I went to look at armchairs that can be made into a bed this afternoon. Do you see what I mean? I don't seem to be able to really know what I want at the moment or to be able to make decisions that hold. I feel so groundless.

And even now as I am writing this I am thinking: Will I even send this off because there are people on here who feel a lot worse at the moment. But I will send it because this is my story and I need to tell you all how I have been feeling.

The good thing is that I know it will pass. It's just another part of the grief journey.

I am using the perfume at the moment that is my favourite and was Paul's favourite one. And this evening I took his aftershave and perfume out of the bathroom cupboard and smelled it. It brought me back to when we fell in love and the first months of our togetherness. Never ever will I be able to feel that way again. And that's okay. It's just deeply sad that it is all over.

Thanks for listening.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Mel

    Thank you. Been listening to it and dropped off. Will listen to it again.

    Wish you all in this group a peaceful night and a good sleep. 

    Hugs and love

    Andrea x

  • Hi Mel

    You have a great way of putting into words just how I often feel. My life is moving forward and I'm a passenger. It's an astounding 17 months since my wonderful brave husband took his final breath and I honestly can still recall every emotion of that time but the tears and the pain are less. I feel empty and sad.

    I also have my husband's aftershave and deodorant in our bedroom and if I spray them I just sob. But that's kind of ok, I smell him and miss him so crying is natural.

    There are alot on this site who are where we were, just starting in their journey and this site is amazing for posting our feelings, fears pain sadness and achievements. Big or small, booking a holiday or sleeping all night. We all know how these things are massive achievements when we are finding our way on our own.

    I wish you all a peaceful night 

    • Ruby diamond x
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Newb

    Hi everyone, and thanks Mel for your lovely post. Haven't listened to the music yet but will definitely do so. Haven't  posted on here for a while but I read the posts most days and feel sad for everyone, sad too that there are new people joining all the time, a club that none of us want to join but so supportive. Just over 3 months since I lost my John and the pain is as bad now as it was, in fact some days it's worse than ever. Not many people even ask how I'm doing now, like perhaps I should have got over it! My son was here for a couple of days doing some jobs for me, and when he left yesterday even I just felt so sad and lonely. Woke up around 2am feeling really panicky for no obvious reason, lay there thinking how John would have put his arms around me and comforted me, he was so calm and always made me feel better. So then I started crying and couldn't  stop for ages, didn't really get back to sleep after that. I've been quite busy over the last few weeks, have been away to  visit to various friends, which is a nice distraction but  can be very tiring. Just looked at my calendar and there are a lot of blank days, and winter not far off with the short days and dark evenings...... we always had a jigsaw on the go so I've got one out for the first time since John died, but everything I do reminds me of him. I can still see him sitting there with his head bent over a jigsaw!

    Thanks for reading this, as others have said it does help to have a bit of a rant.

    Anne x

  • Hi Anne. Sorry you feel so sad but you’re not alone. I got up at 6 and had a coffee then went back to bed. Forced myself out of it at 9. Now just sitting in a quiet house doing nothing. Like you I feel so sad and lonely, no one to talk to no one to do anything with. 

    It’s going to be another one of those days.


    Love you always Winnie xx
  • Hi Anne and Mike

    I can fully empathis with both you good folks. They days drag on and on. What ever I have to do gets  done and that's it. My family and visitors see me occasionally and I genuinely perk up for a while  but they have their own lives to lead. It's pretty much a pointless existance without my darling.

    Light and Love.


    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to winmick

    Good morning Mike, Anne, Mel, All here, 

    A new day ahead for all of us. 

    I had breakfast and now I am back in bed again. Three days I haven't done a thing at all. Have stayed in the bed most of the time. I am hooked on my mobile which I wasn't before. I only used the phone when it was necessary and hated people dependant on them. Now the phone is constantly in my hands and i am looking all the time whether there's a post on this forum. Most of the time this is my only company so far. 

    The relaxing music, Mel has posted the link to is really nice and its relaxes the mind. I recommend it. 


    The way you describe things is truly lovely.  Please would you tell us more about Reiki? I heard of it, but very little. 

    Wish us all a better day. 

    Thinking of you all. 

    Love and hugs xx


  • Hi Anne and Mike

    I can fully emphasise with both you good folks. The days just drag on and on with no Light at the end of the tunnel. When I have family or friends visit I genuinely perk up for a while but they have their own lives to lead. The whole stupid game of life seems pointless.

    Light and Love


    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Geoff999

    Hi Geoff 

    It's so hard not to feel resentful about family and friends getting on with their lives when our lives ended with the loss of our soulmates. But my John ws the most unselfish person and pretty much up to the day he died he kept saying he wanted us to  lead 'normal' lives without him. But what is normal? My bereavement counsellor says I need to find a new 'normal' and perhaps think about doing new things that we didn't do together. I had a very bad day today.  I have builders in and it's been noisy and disruptive. John hated having people in to do things, he could do just about anything in the DIY line, usually a lot better than anyone else. 

    Wishing everyone a tolerabke weekend.

    Anne x

  • Hi Andrea,

    So sorry I haven't responded to your question sooner. The last couple of days have been very busy and very emotional for me and I just didn't have the head space to write about Reiki.

    Reiki is a type of energy-healing. It is based on the understanding that everything in this universe is made of this one energy, the universal life force or universal life energy. When we give a Reiki treatment, we tune into the client's energy field and feel for where the client needs mor energy, where there may be an imbalance in their energy field, where they have maybe too much energy or where it is not flowing as freely as it should, and we rebalance their energy and give energy to places where it is most needed. The energy is very intuitive; in other words, my intention is to let the energy work through me for the highest potential of the client, for their highest good, to help them reach an ideal state of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being, and I trust that the energy will find its own way once it is allowed to bring forth its wisdom. I hope this makes sense?

    Usually clients feel very relaxed and calm during a treatment. They often say it is like being asleep and yet they are awake. Often people release physical and emotional pain and feel restored after a session.

    Love, Mel.

    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds.