bad night.

  • 4 replies
  • 24 subscribers

Hello all ,Well it’s just after 2am,wide awake and in terrible pain with a trapped nerve in my shoulder.feeling really down and just wish Alan was here,I’ve spent the last twenty minutes or so just looking through photos and sobbing,god will it ever get any easier.just want it to be a bad dream and I will wake up soon,but I know that’s not going to happen.Every morning just brings another tedious day I get up tidy round,put some washing in,then nothing.And now I’ve got this shoulder problem I’ve been told to rest as much as possible,so even more time to do nothing.I feel all I do is come on here and moan,so sorry to everyone as I know your all suffering.ill finish now and take some painkillers hopefully get some sleep,doubt it tho.just missing him so much,..

  • FormerMember

    Thinking of you and hope you managed to get some sleep. It’s such a tough journey we are all on. Have you accessed and counselling through any where- I’ve found it really useful especially recently rather than on the early months. My husband died in December. I know that insomnia feeling and need to look at old photos, it’s comforting yet heart breaking at the same time.

    Hopefully someone on here will be from your area and maybe able to point you in the right direction.


  • I know the feeling I have sciatica in my hip very painful at night it wears off during the day

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you,I’m going to a monthly group called ok to chat,hopefully it will help.ive tried a couple of groups but just not for me,but this one sounds like it could be as it’s more informal.Im in Middlesbrough in the Northeast. Alan was a very keen on photography so lots of memories in pictures but yes so sad as well.Take care x....

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Newb

    Morning Newbe,managed to get a couple of hours sleep,now just pottering around trying to do things with one hand,I have sciatica as well,but been a while since it bothered me,Fingers crossed.x