Coping OK - then not Coping

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  • 27 subscribers

My darling wife Anne passed from pancreatic cancer almost two months ago. After the initial massive grief attacks, which were many, my emotions seemed to calm down some what and I got on with living alone for the first time in my life. I shopped, did the house work, the washing and all the stuff one needs to do to survive. But recently the 'newness' of this new existance has started to become mundane and an effort. And I now find myself sitting around reminiscing too much about how things used to be, and so the crying bouts have kicked in again, although no grief attacks - yet!  At any moment I expect my Anne to walk in the door and say. " Hello love. Well how did you get on?" As if this has all been some kind of exercise to see how I could cope without her. But of course it's not. This is the reality till the day I die, which I hope will be verh soon as I'm 73. For 4yrs I've been using an e-Vape but have drifted back to using tobacco as well because it gives me a greater hit. My beer intake has risen to a point now where I just don't care how many cans I drink or when. Although it goes without sayingI don't drink and drive. Basically I don't care a damn about me anymore because I have no purpose in life and don't wish to seek one out either. On the days  I feel able I go fishing which gets me out the house only to return to a home that is totally lifeless. A home without a soul. Just before writing this post I had a slight pain in my chest, probably a muscle spasm from some lifting I did yesterday and I found myself hoping I might have a fatal heart attack to get out of this pointless existance. Sadly that wasn't the case. My antidepressants don't seem to help much any more and having experienced councelling in the past for clinical depression and acute anxiety I find that a no go area. Any results for me were very short lived. So I'll carry on doing what ever I need to do to ease the pain, regardless of health dangers,  until its my turn to leave this circus of hell and join my soul mate.

Love and Light.


  • Hi Geoff. So sorry for the loss of your darling wife. I know exactly what you are going through. My wife passed away on 15 July with melanoma and I am completely lost without her like you I did the shopping, washing,cleaning and all that stuff. But it all seems so pointless, and trying to get motivated to do things is very hard. The loneliness and quietness is killing altogether. I am from the uk but living in Ireland. I went up the country to visit my brother in law for a couple of days ( go home tomorrow ) he is working during the day so only see him at night. I can’t even be bothered to go for a coffee it’s all so empty. I’ll be glad to get home and be surrounded by her things again. I still cry  a lot each day , and all I seem to do is think about her. This life is really getting me down. I have 3 adult sons ,one in Ireland and two in uk , they have been very good to me , if it wasn’t for them I don’t think my life would be worth living. 

    I am also looking forward to the day I can join her. 

    I really hope things can get easier for us. 

    If you read through all the threads here you will see we are not alone in how we feel. 

    Take care.


    Love you always Winnie xx
  • Hi Mike 

    I too am truly sorry about your loss of your lovely wife and  the subsequent life style you now  lead which is running pretty much in  parallel with mine. I wish there were more male members on this site who were once in our position many years ago and  who could now  perhaps show there is some  light at the end of the tunnel. But I get the impression that both men and women tend to leave our group once their lives take on a new meaning so we never hear stories about the long term results  of going through the grieving process. My daughter and son provide great support as well as my good neighbours across the road and when in their company  I can feel fine and appear ' normal'  But its when I'm on my own all the pain starts up again. I just don't know what the answer to all of this is apart from dulling  my feelings down with alcohol and smoking. And anyone who might try to moralise  to me about the dangers of smoking and drinking too much will find their message falling on deaf ears. I just don't care anymore. If it works for me then that's just fine. Otherwise I think I'd have a mental breakdown. I think you were very brave to go and stay with your brother in law. I just couldn't travel anywhere on my own at the moment. And I'm dreading bloody Christmas. I'll probably be invited  over to my lovely daughters but travelling there and back without Anne will cripple me as well as the Christmas day celebrations and present sharing  How will you cope Mike over Christmas? Keep in touch mate 

    Love and Light.


    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • Hi Geoff I am glad you have some family support as well but it’s not the same . To be honest I wish I hadn’t done the journey now. , most of the journey up I was in tears looking at the empty seat next to me. , and then going out walking and all you see is couples. I’ll be glad to get back home tomorrow. We have!!!! Had ( I hate saying that ) been married 43 years, like yo a long time . Winnie was 68 and I am 65. It’s still just a shock , one day you have everything you ever want. And the next day you have nothing. I hardly eat anything anymore and I have been vaping for the last 4/5 years as well and I have a drink at night as well just to pass the time really. 

    Christmas I haven’t got a clue about my sons will probably invite me , but like you all the celebrations I don’t think I could stand it. If I could sleep through all of it that would be fine.

    Thinking of you.


    Love you always Winnie xx
  • Hello Geoff and Mike.

    I don't have any answers as to how you make sense of being alone and what the future looks like. 

    Being out and occupied can only distract so long before as we know it's back to emptiness and loneliness. 

    I can only hope that in time we can find peace.

    Look to the moon.
    Can't imagine any future without my soulmate
  • Hi Wildcat. Yes we are all going through the same horrible thing, and we all feel the same way. That’s why this forum is such a  ( good ) place if you can call it good , to let of stream. Because we all understand what each other is going through. 


    Love you always Winnie xx
  • Hello Wildcat 

    Seems you are in a similar place. The land of void where a huge vacuum exists that can't be filled because our loved ones who filled it with love and caring   have moved on and we are left behind. How cruel this world is. The only consolation I can find is that my Anne is no longer suffering.  But I'm pretty much a broken man without her. I really can't see an end to this.

    Love and Light.


    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • I can only agree with you Geoff it is a void that nothing can fill Xmas I'm dreading  it will be a happy front for kids and grandkids but inside dead hope you have a better night and the same to everyone

  • Yes Geoff, it's a small comfort to know our loved one no longer suffers.  It feels though as if I have to bear the pain for both of us. 

    Look to the moon.
    Can't imagine any future without my soulmate