Getting Stronger

  • 3 replies
  • 26 subscribers

Hi all

I havent posted in awhile but i read the posts everyday my heart goes out to everyone who finds themselves on this journey.

My husband passed away 3rd of January this year with lung cancer he got just over a year having all the treatment but it was incureable he was 61 and iam 59 we were married for just over 35 years.

My husband came from Ireland but we live in the UK.

What ive realalised in the last few weeks as i have got stronger is i have a life to live i know the first few weeks and months you dont see that i wanted to go with my husband and cried everyday for weeks but the tears do slow i still cry at times i always will.

But before my husband passed away he said get on with your life live it for both of us and thats what i have to do.

I have been back at work for 5 months now i didnt want to go back but i have to pay the bills but i do think it as helped been back at work it takes your mind off things for awhile.

My life as changed now and i dont know what lies ahead but i have a life to live and i am going to try and live it best i can.

I know you wont see it at the moment the ones recently bereaved but as time goes on you do cope you do get stronger i used to go to bed for hours day and knight not to sleep just to get out of the way of family or friends i just didnt want to talk.

When i was on my own i would walk to the window several times in aday just looking maybe i was looking for my husband even though i knew it was incureable you dont believe it.

Take care everyone 


  • Hi Mary,

    As you say you do get stronger; there are moments of sadness and these will probably be always there.

    I am in Tenerife with a friend. It is not the same but learning to relax in a different way. Had a little cry earlier reminiscing about the old times.

    No one truly knows what lies ahead ever, so choosing to make the most of now. As you say, trying to live the best you can.

    I took the plunge and arranged a last minute holiday. For me, it focused me to meet some work and personal deadlines. Finally, finished probate forms some 8 months later - should have got some help! Anyway, we all do things in our own time but feel lighter for addressing matters that I could not concentrate on before.

    Take care of yourself too, Mary. Good to hear from you.

    With lots of love,

    Dutsie Xx

  • Hi ladies

    We do get stronger, alittle less sad but always lonely that's what I'm feeling.

    Well done Dutsie with all you have achieved and being on holiday. Me and our children have had afew holidays and it's so difficult to not just cry. Our first time away I couldn't watch Dad's playing in the pool with their children. That was my Robs role. I got to sunbath and he splashed and generally tried to dunk anyone who got in his way!!

    I will miss him forever but I am able to get through days without crying now and when I do it's usually out of frustration that he's not here to make things better, mend things, like my lap top, silly things that I just took for granted that he would do!

    I also read all the posts and feel the pain and sadness from everyone who is just starting this long journey. Hopefully that can trust us when we say the pain does get easier but everyone's journey is different and it takes as long as it takes.

    • Ruby diamond x
  • Hi Mary59 and the others,

    Yes I feel that too. Over time, the feelings change. There is still a lot of sadness and I miss Paul every day, but I have come to accept that it is as it is and that I have to live my life now as best I can. I go to work. I socialise with people and have found really good friends. I keep myself active. And when the sadness and missing Paul get very strong I have a little cry and that's okay too. At first I didn' know how I was ever going to cope with the loneliness, but I learned to cope, I had to learn it, and so will everyone else here on this site sooner or later.


    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds.