Symptoms of cancer

  • 13 replies
  • 28 subscribers

I wish I knew more about symptoms of early stages of cancer. I cannot forgive myself that I didn't know enough. I keep reading more and more about this desease and trying to tell everyone about these symptoms that most of us would probably never associate with cancer. 

Night sweats, itchy skin, forgetfullness, cachexia, unexplained loss of muscle mass, tiredness, anemia with no previous history. Any of these symptoms should be checked out immediately. 

I hate myself for not knowing this. I could have saved my husband. I love him and miss him terribly. 


  • I have all them symptoms but they are from my 3 months injection to control my cancer so don't rely to much on the Google things what was going to happen Will happen so don't beat yourself up

  • Hi Mel

    No I had to stop work some time ago because of health issues. I worked with chemotherapy patients. 

    Look to the moon.
    Can't imagine any future without my soulmate
  • With Jerry’s cancer when vague symptoms reappeared  we had all the tests and checks it never showed up until it was too late. In hindsight if it had of shown up earlier the treatment would have been much more invasive and his quality of life may not have been so good. He was never going to survive that particular cancer 2nd time round. So please be kind to yourself and don’t beat yourself up with the large what if stick. X