
  • 5 replies
  • 26 subscribers

I lost my boyfriend nearly 4 months ago and just don't know what to do. I've lost my home and my job since then. I'm 39 and this is all so painful. Nobody really understands although i have a few friends who are trying to help me. The last few days have been unbearable a

  • FormerMember

    Hi BecM79

    I am sorry for your loss. And you also lost your home and job. Have you got any family at all? Try Citizens advice bureau if there's one. They are good and very helpful. Where do you live now? That's good, you have a few friends and they are trying to help. May be they can help you to find a job when you are ready.

    I wish i could help. 

    Post on this forum any time you feel you nees to get out your feelings. There's always someone who will reply. 

    We all have gone through the same pain, so we understand. 

    You could also try to ring the Macmillan helpline. They have people who will be able to advise and help. If you haven't already tried to ring them then do so. You might find it helpful. 

    Take care

    Thinking of you 


  • FormerMember

    Hi BecM79,

    i’m so sorry to read your post, please keep posting as people on here really do know how you feel and sometimes that helps just to know you are not alone in this pain. I am just 8 weeks on from my partner’s death, I don’t know what will happen to our home as he died without a will and the house and mortgage are in his name, it’s all a mess, so if you need to talk please do. My partner was just 43 and we were together 10 years, every day is a fresh day from hell so far. 

    We are here when you need us. Take care.


  • Hi BecM79,

    i didn't want to press like on your post as there is nothing to like but I wanted you to know I had read it and hope that you can get help and support. X 

  • Hi BecM79. I am so sorry for your loss and at sa

    such a young age I know the pain you are going through , it is not an easy time . But we are all going through it and try and help you as much as possible.


    Love you always Winnie xx
  • Hi Fiona hope you are keeping in some way well I am 5 weeks today since Winnie’s death. It is still very raw for all of us. My son and his partner goes back to uk today so it will be back to an empty,quiet, lonely house again. I still can’t stop crying. It’s just an impossible situation. In a way I am glad I am going through this and not my wife . I hope that doesn’t sound selfish,but ide hate her to be suffering like I am. I am sorry to hear about your house . I don’t know much about  that kind of thing but could you get it transferred to your name. .if you have a good solicitor he might be able to do something l will have to get a new will made out as well and I am dreading doing that. 

    Take care 


    Love you always Winnie xx