Collateral Beauty

  • 3 replies
  • 25 subscribers

Just watched a movie called Collateral Beauty on Netflix about death, time and love.

Had me crying in parts but also inspired me.

Just one quote from the movie.

"Just be sure to notice the collateral beauty".

Starting to feel it more often again and sincerely hope it comes to us all some day soon.

With lots of love,

Dutsie Xx

  • I've not seen the movie I will certainly remember the title.

    Dutsie I also am starting to have more ok days than awful ones! I think I will always panic about the long lonely future I am facing but day to day I can be ok. I look forward to the sun shining and ensure I walk our dog on the beautiful beaches and forests local to me. I take time to "smell the flowers" and turn my face to the sun and just breath. 

    I'm starting to think about getting a volunteering position probably with animals which means I've got more energy and also I'm realising I need to make the best of my life, no-one is going to do it for me 

    I am taking small steps at my own pace which I'm comfortable with. Nobody prepares you for this life we didn't want and we can only do our best.

    My husband was only 47 when he passed away and it broke his heart leaving me and our 2 sons, we will miss him forever.

    Hugs to all 

    • Ruby diamond x
  • Hi Ruby Diamond,

    You made me smile. We all have are struggles but nice to hear about the moments of light. It sounds lovely where you are. 

    I live on my own now so not very disciplined on the walk and cooking front which I normally love doing. Have been consistent on the yoga and gardening so getting there.

    Night night Xx

  • Hi Dutsie, Ruby Diamond and everyone else who is reading/writing in this thread,

    Thank you so much, Dutsie, for recommending this film on Netflix. I will have a look tonight - I wasn't sure what to do with the evening but now I know :-) And I am looking forwqard to watching this film.

    Like you both I am having more okay-days now and I am able to see the beauty in things again in the unfolding of life and around me. I can even laugh again and have fun at times. And all this does not mean that I am missing Paul less. I don't; I miss him as much as ever. I feel that both is possible at the same time. And this makes me a gentler, kinder and somehow more whole person, if that makes any sense.

    And, like you Ruby Diamond, I can't imagine a long future stretched out in front of me. So I have learned not to imagine it. I don't have to. That doesn't mean that I am living my life only from moment to moment of course either, but I don't like to look too far ahead.

    Love to you all



    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds.