I don't know how to cope with loss

  • 36 replies
  • 27 subscribers

Good evening

I am new here. My husband passed away two weeks ago from Non Hodkins Lymphoma after a year long battle. He was 52. He passed away to the better world at home with his mum and me beside him. 

Friends and family have been so supportive. I am busy organizing funeral. However, today I am starting to feel like I am all alone in the middle of the ocean on a small boat with no land in sight. He left such a huge void. 

  • My heart goes out to you I know how hard that is it will probably be a blur now but so painfull I can only remember some of my wife's funeral as I was crying all the way through  I hope you have some support to help you through today 

  • Dear Kristoff I know the pain your are going through and feel very sorry for you. I am afraid it doesn’t get any easier. I light a candle every night at 9 0 clock infront of my wife’s picture and blow it out when I go to bed. It gives me a small bit of comfort. You will find the right thing to do to give you a little comfort. 

    One step at a time. 


    Love you always Winnie xx
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to winmick

    Good morning All

    Another day and the pain, loneliness and emptiness doesn't feel any easier.

    Had breakfast but didn't enjoy it. Getting a bus soon to go and see a friend who's daughter is turning 4 today.

    I wish i felt a bit of excitement but its just not happening. 

    No distruction seems to make things easier.

    The GP gave me a phone number for a Councillor. Will give them  ring tomorrow. But really cannot imagine how they can help. 

    I am thinking of you all even when i am not responding to all messages. I  wish us all a brighter day.

    Hugs and love from


  • Thank you for the hug a love. Same back to you. Yes another lonely empty day. I have had one cry already this morning . I hope visiting your friends today brings you a bit of comfort. It is hard to go out of our comfort zone, but we have to try. My wife’s sister and brother and my two sons persuaded me out yesterday for a meal. I went but felt very alone , and was glad to get back home again. 

    Try and have a good day. Big hug to you.


    Love you always Winnie xx
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to winmick

    Hi Mike

    Thank you for the supportive words. I hope you had a good day with your family too. 

    I had a nice time with my friends celebrating their daughters 4th birthday. But as you say, the loneliness is still there and after a while the pain was back again so as the anxiety.

    I am back at home now. Had a chat with my sister on Skype who lives in Slovakia. She is 53 and lost her husband 9 years ago. 

    You are right. Its difficult to get out of our comfort zones but we have to try. 

    I hope we all get a good night sleep. 

    Thinking of you all 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Good evening All, thank you so much for support. It is very hard each evening. In daytime I have gone out with friends so it was not so lonely but then evening comes and pain comes back unbearable. I watched our wedding video and my heart lightened up. But then wave, after wave  of unbearable sadness, loneliness  overwhelms me...