feeling lost

  • 10 replies
  • 27 subscribers

 Hello everyone, 

  I am writing this message on my iPhone with the dictate function so please forgive me if there are any mistakes in this message. Knowing how much it helps to share thoughts and feelings here, I would like to share with you how I have been feeling since I came back from my holidays on Saturday. I have been feeling quite lost and on settled to be honest. And I think I am only now Beginning to process everything that has happened during the three weeks with my family. At first my mum was over here in Ireland. On the first day off her visit, we scattered Paul’s ashes at a beach not far from where I live. It felt like the right thing to do because, S I said before, Paul loved nature and always thought about how beautiful it is that we are all a part of everything. Scattering the ashes was somehow lovely. It was a noise, mild evening, the Sun was shining and the sea was nice and calm and till the very moment that I scattered the ashes and then it was as if the waves had  suddenly become stronger so that he could be taken out to sea. It was really an interesting experience. I have kept a little bit of the ashes back and we’ll have to see what to do with it.  On the third day of my mothers visit, we went over to the west of Ireland and the Aaron Islands which hold a very special memories for me of beautiful times with Paul. And, even though it was emotional to go back, I wasn’t able to feel as much as I had expected or wanted to because I was now they’re in a completely different context.  Still, it was lovely to go back. We were there for three days and then returned to Dublin. We had two more days here before we flew to Germany where we spend nine days together with my dad. For two days, my parents had organised a trip to Marbach, a small town in the south of Germany  where are used to go to boarding school and spend most of my teenage years and where I encountered Buddhism and where I eventually in 2009 met Paul and fell in love. So, again, lots of very important memories. 

 I think that, since I came back, I am acutely aware of the fact that, no matter how many friends I have who gave me a warm welcome home, the one person who means the most to me is missing. And I think I am missing Paul more then I used to now because I was with people for three weeks before now being back to being alone again.  And I am not a person for being alone. 

 I love Ireland and its people and the mentality and culture and climate here so much. And I have made friends here who am I would really miss if I did not live here any more. However, being back in Germany made me wonder how it would be for me to go back. I can’t really imagine living in Germany again though and therefore think that perhaps I am only asking myself that question  because I connect being back in Germany and particularly Marbach with that wonderful feeling of excitement and help and romance and love I had when I left this town to move to Ireland. 

 I have also been thinking a lot about my work and have come to realise that I am not satisfied with what I do. Well, I love my work, but I want to do more and I want my work to have more of an impact on people. I think this is why I so much want to work in a hospital setting. But this hasn’t worked out so far and every month, as it is the case for many self-employed people, I am asking myself how much money I will make and how it will work out at the end of the month.  That to me feels a little unsettling at the moment as well.  That has nothing to do though with the thoughts about going back to Germany because it wouldn’t be any different in Germany. In fact, if I was in Germany, I would half to set up my business all over again which is something I don’t want to do. 

 And this last point is actually bringing me or pointing to the deepest despair I have at the moment which is that I know I am only 37 years old and I feel so lost on the one hand thinking that I should stay here and that I have a lot to live for here in Ireland but that on the other hand I  I am afraid that this is really it and that my life is going to be like this from now on.  I mean, my life isn’t bad, but I am sometimes wondering: is there more out there? Should I be doing something different? And is this really enough in the long run? But then, and in contradiction to that, I am wondering what it would be like to move back to Germany, what it would feel like and whether I would be happy with that in the long run. So in a way this is why I feel so lost and groundless because I don’t feel at home anywhere really and don’t know what to do and where to go from here. 

 Just any of this make any sense to you? Perhaps it does to many of you and particularly to those who, like me, were living for their relationships and their loved ones for years and are therefore now in a place where it seems that nothing is left. 

 I would love to hear you are thoughts. Love and hugs to everyone. Melanie. 

  •  Hi everyone, 

     I don’t know if any of you read my post from the 5th of August. I didn’t get any replies from anyone anyway. 

     I just wanted to say that, thankfully, I am feeling a little better again. I still feel and settled and a bit lost but I think I am more back to what I was before I went on this trip.  I am beginning to realise that what I am most of the time is going along not getting too excited but not getting too down either,  for a long time I would have described this as being numb but that is not actually true as I can feel joy and contentment as well as deep sadness and despair at times, but it is all at a low level if you know what I mean. 

     I have gone back to work and I have also met up with a number of friends. I still don’t really know what I am doing here without Paul but I am doing it anyway. 

     Love to all who are struggling at the moment. 

    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds. 

  • I didn't see the post. Good that you're feeling a bit better.  

    You speak a lot of sense.

    Look to the moon.
    Can't imagine any future without my soulmate
  • Hi Mel

    I'm truly pleased you are finding your new path whilst in touching distance of the other. Keep posting. It's lovely to hear an inspirational message on our sad site.

    Bless. Geoff.

    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • Hi Mel.

    Sorry you didn't get any replies, I've been away on holiday and visiting family so not on my phone much.

    Everything you wrote makes perfect sense to me.

    We moved to Scotland back in 2003 as Robs job prospects were better here. I didn't know anyone, so me and our oldest son who was then 3 explored and made friends. Our second son was born 2 years later.

    I'm an only child and my parents are 79 and 76 and everytime we visit they are needing more assistance and help, I feel so guilty being so far away. But my boys are Scottish and don't want to move anywhere!!

    I also worked and gave up when Rob was diagnosed and now I have no energy for a job but am so bored and feel like there should be more to my life. The only thing that will make my life better would be Robs return but that's not going to happen but im at a loss and trying  to make the best of it.

    Dreading my boys leaving home, I really will struggle then. I try not to think so far ahead 

    You have so much to consider, it must be exhausting! Paul will be with you what ever you decide. You can always visit whichever location you don't live in until you decide. 

    Take care 

    • Ruby diamond x
  • Hi Ruby Diamond,

    I am like you: was away on holidays visiting family and going down memory lane a lot and not much on my phone and, even when I was, I didn't write much because I am aware that I make many mistakes when I use the stupid dictate function on the iPhone to respond to messages.

    Thank you for your reply.

    For the last couple of days, I have felt a lot calmer and back to my "old self" - the self that I had become before I went on my holidays. I think this is largely due to the fact that I am back in work and back in my familiar routine. It isn't one that I love, but it is one that I've become used to, and in a way I like it as well, even though it can never and will never replace what Paul and I had and our beautiful life. But, as you say, since our deepest wish - that our husbands come back  - cannot be granted, so I guess we have to make the most of it as it is, as you say yourself.

    I was interested to read that you, too, feel a bit lost because you feel there should be more to your life. I really struggle to see the purpose at times. I would love to come home in the evening and be able to say, "Yes, today I have made somebody's life better. Today I have made a difference." This is not because I have such a big ego or something like that; it's simply because then I would feel that my life has really a deeper meaning, which I am sure it has, I just can't see it sometimes. But my life has to still have meaning. It also had some sort of meaning before I met Paul. So I just have to find some meaning again. Now of course changed forever by Paul and the lovely life we had and, not question about that, also by the life as it was when he was so sick and getting worse all the time and sitting at his deathbed. All this has shaped me but it doesn't difine me, and I can't allow it to stop me from living.

    I understand you must dread your kids moving out. Then you will feel the loneliness even more. But from all your posts it always sounds like you are on a good way and determined to make a good life now.

    Love and hugs


    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds. 

  • Yes, Geoff, I think you are so right. We have to move forward in our own lives but with our loved one in our hearts and I feel extremely grateful to have loved and to have been loved so very deeply.

    Love, Mel.

    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds. 

  • Hi Mel & all 

    I never saw your original  post come up on the news feed although I sometimes miss a few days. I can relate to a lot of what you say, think as we are similar time scale a lot of it sounds so familiar despite different circumstances. 

    I have always felt holidays can become a sort of reflection, I guess it’s then when we have time to take stock & think, especially those “am I where I want to be?” questions, & that’s under normal circumstances, not when we’ve endured such life changing events.  Sometimes I find having time to think too much like this just stirs me up, as although I can change some things I can’t change what’s happened, the thing that matters the most. Guess it’s the negative side to taking a break.  Glad you’re settling down a bit now you’re home. 

    The work thing is tricky- I work part time for the nhs, I’m glad to have some routine by working, I honestly don’t feel I have the headspace to do more hours, ( & I’ve the kids at  home who are also having to navigate their Grief)  I work one to one with patients & it can be quite emotionally exhausting  at times  but I can feel completely adrift when I stop- I’ve too much time to think & feel. If I worked 23 hours a day, I would still have these times when I would stop & have to accept reflect that things will never be the same & I know that, but it’s hard to know what will really make us feel truly better.  Being busy helps but really it’s just a distraction. I think  wherever you work, what ever you do, it’s just that, something that feels the time, it’s good to feel valued  & that you’re making a difference but even working has to stop at times & then those feelings of loss resurface.

    when my husband was here I never really concerned myself with the future, just lived in the day, it’s hard to do that now, we all seem to need  reassurance that things will get better. like you, I see  friends at times & function but I do ask surely there’s more to my life than this now? Hate this hollow feeling, so many of us experiencing it. 

    Hope everyone has a good day  & that the windy weather doesn’t mess up plans made for the weekend 

    hugs to you all 

    Sarah xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Sarah2nd

    Hi Mel and others who replied 

    I haven’t been on here for a few weeks and like you have been on a family holiday and feel worse since returning as I think it is being with people all day and then coming back to reality of being alone and the sadness and tears can flow freely instead of trying to be happy and brave for family.

    I am only 2.5 months without the love of my life for 48 years and like you all have been on this horrible cancer journey and it is comforting to be able to come on here and know that I am not alone in my feelings and not have to be the brave coping person that I am trying to project to my family and friends.

    Mel I too scattered the last of my husband’s ashes on the beach but deep in the sand at a beautiful beach in Florida where we spent many holidays watching the sunset so did it at sunset with our daughter and family and she requested it be buried in the sand instead of scattered. The majority of his ashes were scattered on a hill in a park where he grew up and played at his request.

    Anyway enough of me and just wanted to say you have helped many on here including myself when we were first on here with support so your life has purpose and you are very brave working in a hospital as I hate going to our hospital for my appointments as it brings back so many memories which are not great.

    i was asked a few days ago if I was going to move and it made me cry and cross as I can’t leave the home we both chose for our final home despite only living here 5 years and despite my husband dying here it holds good memories too.

    Dont make any decisions yet as sure the holiday has unsettled you and wait until you are sure.

    Much love and strength to my new friends on here xx

  • Hi Lendial,

    I am sorry you have been feeling worse since you came back from your holidays with family. I hope that, little by little, you will feel better again.

    I am feeling much better now that I have been back for a week. Not as unsettled and even being alone is okay again.

    What you did with your husband's ashes sounds lovely. I had thought about that too as I wasn't too comfortable with scattering them in the sea at first and the feeling of keeping all of it together, like in the sand, felt somehow better. But then I decided to scatter them into the sea after all.

    It was great to hear from you again. Please keep in touch.

    Love and hugs, Mel.

    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds. 

  • Hi Sarah,

    Thank you for your message.

    I agree that work in a way is a distraction. But, also, I feel that I could help patients so much if only the hospitals would let me do so. And I feel that now that Paul is no longer here I could give more time and energy into helping people and making positive differences iin the lives of people who are suffering. I guess it is a search for purpose and meaning but also my heart-felt wish not to waste any time or energy and do something good with the life that I will have without Paul.

    I am glad you are doing okay.

    Love, Mel.

    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds.