How to cope

  • 42 replies
  • 27 subscribers

Hi. I am new to this community. I have just lost my husband due to cancer. His sudden loss was unexpected. He waa diagnosed with cancer on 5th July and passed away on 21st. July. It was a massive shock for both of us. I am now on my own and struggling to cope. My stomach is constantly in pain. Lost my appetite completely. I have tried herbal calming teas but its not helping. I know, I am not on my own who has lost his or her loved one. If there anyone who can tell me how the cope with their grief. Thank you

  • Hi Andrea,

    I was thinking of you yesterday. I understand that it must have been a very difficult day for you.

    When I read about your problems with sleep, I really do think it might be good to go to your doctor and request sleeping tablets. Don't get me wrong, I don't really like taking medication either, but I think at this difficult time in life we simply need to use all the support that we can get, even if it means taking tablets for a while. I take a sleeping tablet every single night andI would not want to be without them.

    I don't like the saying "Time heals the wounds". Personally, I am of the opinion that we learn to live and cope with our pain better but not that it decreases as such. I think people who say that have either not gone through what we are going through or they cut themselves off from their feelings and ability to empathise. I have no time for people like that anyway.

    Andrea, I hope that over time your pain will become more manageable and that you will feel less vulnerable. For today I wish you light and love.


    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to MelanieL

    Hi Andrea,

    Mel is right about all these appeasing phrases you don't move on you learn to live with the loss, after a while you recall the good times as often as the bad and as for time its part of the learning process.

    I know that sleeping pills don't sound appealing but your doctor would give you enough to establish a normal sleep pattern, just a few days worth. When you are not so tired then you won't get the sleep anxiety so much 
