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Psychologists will tell you  there are  five steps you have to experience whilst working through  grief, and once experienced, you will find Closure. How patronising is that ?  Like  working through a board game. Dont these self acclaimed experts just love to box and label things up giving themselves a sense of superiority. I can say from experience  there are  no five steps to working through grief. And there is no such thing as Closure. How dare anyone tell me I'll find Closure to the passing of my dear wife. She will ways be in my heart and soul. Things may become more manageable. I might even start to live a new life, but she will always be somewhere in the back or front of my mind influencing my decisions because she is a part of me now -  always has been -  even though Annes spirit has moved on to another dimension. Each day is what it is. The paths we tread  are different. Each path unique to the person treading it. Yet the emotional  landscape is familiar to us all. The bereaved live in a world of emotions and feelings. An entirely different planet to the world of intellect and common sense  inhabited by well intentioned people with their well intentioned but  pointless words of advice and solace. It is what it is. And somewhere down the line things will change. When and how? Who knows.

Bless. Geoff.

  •  Yes, I totally agree with you on that one. 

    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds.