Can’t feel him around me at all

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Hi, this may sound a bit silly but I’m constantly being told that I will feel Mark around me and that he will be watching over me and will always be close, the problem is that I honestly can’t feel his presence at all. He has been gone 38 days and all I feel is empty and lonely. For 10 years we lived in this house, we worked and travelled together, mostly spent 24 hours a day together and our relationship was brilliant. I am finding it very difficult that except for one really strong dream a week after he died there has been nothing at all to make me feel like he is around me. Is it because I can’t process his death or i’m in denial? He was only sick for 40 days and died of an aggressive kidney cancer at just 43 years old. I would love to think he is near, this loneliness is so hard. 

  • Hi Orlybird,

    I understand what you mean. I am seven months down the line and very early on I woke up in the middle of night as I felt Richard came to me and gave me a cuddle. It was probably a dream but very comforting at the time and therefore, I don't feel the need to label it.

    You hear from other people that they get various signs and feel that loved ones are nearby. However, since then nothing. Maybe in time, I will get the comforting feeling, that people speak of, again.

    Like you, I lived, travelled and worked with Richard for 16 years or so. The loneliness is hard to deal with both home and work aspect to contend with but you will get through this.

    I am not sure I can give you any specific advice but just wanted let you know I hear you! I will say it is very early days for you so take one day at a time, do the essentials and look after yourself.

    With lots of love,

    Dutsie x