The Magic Has Gone Out Of Things

  • 3 replies
  • 25 subscribers

 Hi everyone. 

 I haven’t posted for some time now. I have been having a lovely time with my family.  At first, my mum came over to Ireland for a week.  On the second evening, we scattered Paul’s ashes on a beach close to my home that holds  A lots of special memories. I opened the urn  and  let the ashes flow into the water with each incoming waves. Afterwards we were sitting on the beach for a long time drinking gin and tonic from cans. It was lovely. Then, on the following day, we went to the west of Ireland and had three beautiful days there and I was able to show my mum all the places that are special  to me because Paul and I used to go there once every year and it was also where he proposed to me. And, after two more days at my home, we travelled to Germany yesterday where I will be staying with my parents at their place for another week.  On Sunday, we will go to a small city in the south of Germany which is very special to me because I went to boarding school there and Paul and I met there in 2009 and fell in love. 

 We are having a lot of fun and certainly the beautiful summer weather helps. And, yes, it is of course emotional to visit County Clare in the west of Ireland and no doubt will be emotional to visit the town where we met as well but it doesn’t make me really sad, more nostalgic I would say  as I am remembering the lovely times we had. 

 But  what I can definitely say, and here I come to the title for my post, is that the magic has gone out of things.  I still love County Clare in the west of Ireland and I still love the  German summer and it brings back a lot of light and happy memories of childhood. But  The feeling that everything is magical and very special has somehow gone. It is a little bit as if you were once looking at a picture filled with vibrant colours, where as now when you look at the same picture  you see the same colours that they are not as vibrant and strong. Does that make sense? I am sure it does, and I am sure that most of us here have the same experience. It’s like everything is a little flat. 

 Love and hugs 


  • FormerMember

    Hi Mel, 

    I totally get your post x

    If you can, try to live your life for the two of you, make the most of every day as I am trying to do for my Paul..

    Easier said than done I know xxx

  • Hi Mel 

    I’ve been a bit quiet lately not because anything has changed but more because it’s like ground hog day, every day is the same in that I’m just trying to cope with it. 

    I totally agree with you, I feel that I’m a bit hollow inside, I function, I can appreciate things better now but no matter what I’m doing it’s not the same & you’re right, the magic has gone out of things. So far for me, now that I’ve got through that first year, this second one seems less intense but the reality seems to be really sinking in. I guess that’s normal, it’s yet another phase on this journey. 

    Perhaps the point is that we must just keep trying- to cope, to really live & to go forward keeping our loved ones safely tucked up in out hearts. 

    Big hugs to everyone 

    Sarah xx

  • FormerMember

    Hello Mel.

    I think we have “spoken “ previously on another thread when you asked  for opinions re your husbands ashes

    So glad you made a decision you are happy with.

    my children will be taking me to County Clare to scatter some of his ashes, on the Flaggy shore near Newquay ,next year and we can revisit the places in Clare we went to when the children were young

    Then that will be that as I have scattered some here at home In places  we loved.

    Iam leaving some to be mixed with mine , when it’s my time to go

    Best Wishes