
  • 19 replies
  • 27 subscribers

Hi this is my first post. I’m sitting beside my wife of 43 years she has melanoma which spread to her brain I don’t think that she will last the next 48 hours. I am so scared about living without her,we did everything together. I have read a lot of posts here and everyone is so heartbreaking my hart goes out to all of you . But how do you cope with coming back to an empty house,driving the car with nobody besides you and many many more things. I feel guilty writing this as I sit here with my Winnie but can’t bear the thought of losing her   Sorry I am rambling now. Virtual hugs to all of you. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Dear Winmick

    So so sorry for losing your favourite person.

    Much love to you - nothing we can really say will help you right now - but know that many here care.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    So very sorry to hear of your loss.   Nothing anyone can say can make you feel any better.  It is the worst pain ever and one that you have to get through as best you can.  My heart goes out to you.

    Try to sleep when you can, eat when you can and if you need to scream and cry, do it.   And most of all, keep reading the posts on this forum.  You are not alone.  Sadly  there are so many of us who are feeling or have felt as you are now.   It helped me so much and gave me comfort. .  And even now, over 3 years on, I read the posts every day.

    Thinking of you 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to winmick

    I am so sorry to hear your sad news. My thoughts are with you. Sending love & hugs. You are not alone we are all thinking of you. 

    Love & hugs 

    Jojo xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to winmick

    Hi Wimmick

    We all know that pain and numbness. You aren't alone. 

    You cared for Winnie, now you must care for yourself. Of3 you want to be busy, then do it. If you want to sit quietly, then do that. 

    I left all admin until after the funeral. Organising the funeral was enough stress. I found that helped me.

    Sending kind wishes. 

  • Thank you all for your kind words,and I know you have all suffered the pain and are still suffering it. My heart goes out to you all. I live in the south west of Ireland and my children in uk they were a great help but had to go back today as they have their own lives to live. Since they left which is only 4 hours ago I feel so alone and I can’t stop crying i am sorry for rambling on again but I cannot face talking to anyone at the moment and I think you my virtual friends are the only ones that now what pain and anguish I am going through at the moment.

    love and XX to you all 


    Love you always Winnie xx
  • Let the tears out.  It is some form of relief, I guess like a dam bursting.  You are not alone.  We are here and we have got you.  It’s such early days for you.  Just take it one day at a time.  We will be here. Xx

  • I can relate to your problem my wife passed with myloma a month ago I cried for days non stop it did help a little but there is always the memories they help and talking to her also. As I do believe they are still with us in soul

  • Thank you for your kind words. I will cry for her tonight and talk to her as I am sure our loved ones are all around us and will always be close to us. Xx

    Love you always Winnie xx
  • My wife passed away on the 16th July 10.45 I was devastated which I'm sure you are and still am now 
