No one understands

  • 15 replies
  • 25 subscribers

My soul mate died eighteen months ago and I feel like the pain has not deminished. 

Once I used to be a get up and go person. Now I'm a waste. I can't do anything without getting stressed to such a point I just cry and feel sorry for myself. 

I go to the doctors they don't understand, surely anybody who put them self forward as a doctor must have empathy, it seems not.

I have the dwp on my back telling me I should be working. For God's sake do they think I want to live on £125 a week.

Before my wife got diagnosed with terminal canner I'd never claimed bennifits. I feel like a piece of dirt  because of the attertude of the system. I need help to cope and I get nothing but they expect me to get better. 

I am obviously suffering from complicated grief as I'm sure a lot of people on this forum do. 

After 2years watching my love, who I have been in love with since I was 13years old, my only love, my only friend, after watching her die for 2 years I just can't cope again. I'm not lazy I'm hurting. Hurting so much but no one gets it and I'm at a loss as to what to do. I'm about to be kick of bennifits again and I have not the will to fight them any more.

Just a rant. No replys needed as I know you guys are going through your own shit. 

  • Hello all,

    I lost my husband 3 months ago , i went to see a medium . She told my things only i knew. She also said he is with me and gave me evidence of what we have done since he has died.

    I am beginning to believe.


  • I was very sceptical but she also told me many things only I knew I have also seen my wife in my dreams and I never could remember any dreams till now so there must be something in it

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Newb

    I hope so, so so much. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I have also had dreams like never before. Scince Audrey died my dreams have been imtence. Stress dreams not about or involving Aud but in the e last few dreams she has come back to me. Not in a peferct heavenly way but I feel I am getting closer to her. Finding her again. Not quite there but there is hope. Mabe the last hope. Hope is all I, we, have.

    . Hope to you all, and me x

  • Hi Rolf.  I also dream of my husband.  Can’t always remember them unless I try to focus as soon as I wake up, but I know he has been in them.  I am not sure what it means, if anything.  Maybe just that they are on our minds, or it could be that they are close to us.  Whatever it means we will never know, but it is lovely to go to bed and dream of them.  Enjoy your dreams.  Love Dolly xx