Not settled

  • 3 replies
  • 24 subscribers

I know I'm the only one who can make the decision but I though it might help to write it down. I lost my darling husband and soulmate 11 weeks ago to brain cancer. We had only lived in this county for 16 months when he passed and he was diagnosed only 10 months after moving. We both loved it here and were lucky enough to make a lot of friends through the bowls club we had joined and also the Close we live in. They were all so supportive when Paul was poorly and still are to me. Paul and I did most things together for the 25 years we were together. I miss him so much, you will all know what that feels like I'm sure, I'm making myself do things and try to keep busy but I have started to feel as if I need to be back in my home county where most of my family are. My two boys both live abroad so it doesn't really matter to them as they will visit me wherever I am. As much as we loved it here it just doesn't feel like home anymore. I know I mustn't decide too soon as I don't want to make the wrong choice.

Sending love and hugs to everyone going through this hell.

June xxxx

  • Hi June

    It's exhausting making all the decisions isn't it, and second guessing yourself trying to think what our lost partners would think.

    Well done on everything you have successfully accomplished so far. 

    On your dilemma of where to now live, how about going back for an extended holiday if your finances allow. Or even just a holiday. See if you feel at "home" or miss where you had chosen to live more recently. If there is no rush, I would try and wait. 

    Take care 

    • Ruby diamond x
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Ruby Diamond

    Thank you Ruby Diamond 

    Yes I think making decisions on your own is one of the hardest things and knowing how Paul loved it here makes it harder but having said that I know he would want what is best for me.

    I am going to stay in Essex for a few days next week to stay with family to see how I feel, I think you are right, I will probably know if it feels right when I'm there. I haven't been back for a year and not at all since Paul was diagnosed do it might feel strange but I need to do it.

    I'll let you know how I get on. Thank you for replying and your ideas, I think it always helps to work it through with others even if you end up doing something different.

    Love and hugs


  • Your very welcome.

    I think your doing all the right things. It's got to be what works for you, but it's so daunting doing all of this on our own.

    Have a peaceful evening 

    • Ruby diamond x