Trying to carry on

  • 4 replies
  • 24 subscribers

 Afternoon everyone,Haven’t posted for a little while,well it was ten months yesterday since losing Alan,my days are bearable but I still can’t get through one without some tears.some days I think I’m coping quite well then others I just fall apart.Im trying to find some groups or something in my area where I can meet people going through the same thing hoping that it could help..We were very private  people and since retiring spent our time together,didn’t seem to need others.but now I wish I had some friends to chat to.That sounds so sad,but that’s the way it is.Plus it’s quite hard for me as I suffer panic attacks so to join a group or something similar will be a big effort for me but I’m determined to try.Hope everyone gets through the weekend as I find that the hardest,hugs to everyone going through this horrible journey.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hello Val66, I noticed that no-one has replied to you yet. I looked at your profile to see if I lived nearby, but although I'm not that far away (York - I see you're in Middleborough), I guess that's too far. Have you tried calling Macmillan to ask about support in your area? Also, my local hospice has drop in group sessions once a month, do you have a hospice nearby? 

    I know what you mean about just wanting to be together, my husband wasn't anti-social but he was a quiet person who was quite happy pottering around the garden or the house when we weren't together. I'm a bit more outgoing but over the last couple of years, when we knew he wouldn't be around much longer, we just liked to spend as much time together as possible. We have only lived here for 4 years and while I do have some friends, I have no family nearby and I too feel a bit isolated.

    I hope you find a support group but in the meantime hope you get support on here.

    Anne x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hello Anne ,Thank for your reply,I’ve been in touch with a couple of places today so going to try and go to one of the groups.My husband was also a very quiet he was quite happy pottering in his garden and listening to his music,I know I’m not alone on this horrible journey that none of us want to be on,and even tho life will never be the same again I have to carry on.Once again thank you for your kind words.        Val x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Val

    I lost my husband back in January and miss him so very very much.

    Lucky for me I have a good set of friends but when I moved in with Bill I had moved away from them so I had to start finding others in the area I lived.

    One that I did join was the Rock Choir it was hard to go the first time but I am glad that I did as I have made so many new friends, by the way I don't have a great singing voice so there no pressure there. Singing really helps. 

    Have you a WI near you I have not joined any, as the ones round my area are full but I would think that might be a good outlet. I am looking now at others WI that might have vacancies.

    I think a lot of us find it quite hard to join clubs etc., 

    What I have found, if you are honest with the people about how you feel most people will want to help settle you in.

    Also I am not a spring chicken.

    Good luck, hope you find something but no rush, it will happen when the time is right.


    Lesley x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Lesley,So Sorry to hear about your husband,this is a club none of us want to be in. I have been in touch with a couple of places and hopefully going to one next week ,Never thought of the WI so at least look and see.Im no spring chicken either,It’s the loneliness which is hard,the house is so quiet,I’m trying to go out more but I do have these horrible panic attacks,I’ve had them for years.and stress bring them it’s so odd going into places alone.I know I’m not alone going through this horrible time we are all trying to come to terms with things and am glad I joined the group as people like yourself are so kind.its just over ten months now but I miss him so much,but I am trying to carry on as I know he would not want me to be upset all the time.The tears are falling now as I write.I hope I can find a group and begin to make friends as I’m sure that will help me as I spend far to much time on my own.Hope your singing group helps you.Love Val x