Do Any Of You Experience The Same?

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  • 24 subscribers

Hi everyone,

I would really like to know if any of you, particularly those who are on this journey for a number of months like myself, experience something similar to what I experience. For the past couple of weeks, I wake up in the morning aware that I had one dream or several dreams during the night in which >I spoke with somebody about how much I miss Paul, how much I would love him to be here, or sometimes I give items to people and say, "Do you remember when he gave you this as a present?" or "Ah he really loved that!" And it brings tears to my eyes in the dream. The interesting thing is that I can't feel my feelings, sometimes it is a little bit as if I am not myself. So for example I would cry but I wouldn't feel that it is me who is crying, if this makes sense.

Since this has been going on for some time now I am getting a little worried. I mean, maybe this is just my way of processing my pain, but I am wondering if it is a healthy sign to be processing only through dreams and then I can't even feel my feelings but just know that they are there, and I am wondering if this is a sign that I should probably go for counselling.

During the day I am fine. Usually after my first or second cup in the morning and when I have spent a little while to remember everything I am grateful for - a practice that I feel really helps in focusing on the present moment - I am fine and able to go through the day without too many sad moments. My energy level as well as my eating are okay as well. So no signs that I am bottling things up from that point of view.

What do you all think about this? And do any of you experience the same?

Love, Mel.

  • FormerMember

    Morning, Mel, 

    I recognise this kind of dream.  I'm much more than a few months down the road but my memories of this kind of vivid dream are still very clear.  Mine took a different path to mine he was leaving me because he wanted to and I'd be pleading with him to stay.  I'd wake up in floods of tears and with the bedclothes all over the place.  In reality I'd wanted him to go.....the sort of wanting where we just want the pain and the struggle to be over for them.....but the dreams were quite different.  

    Some of us certainly do process our loss through dreams.....I did go into counselling but not because of the dreams.....and it was explained to me that the brain sorts out the day's memories at night, rather like filing them away under different headings.  Mostly it's a quick job but when we have been through something traumatic...and we all have here....that part of the brain can't process so quickly or so well and things get muddled up.  Hence the strange dreams....your brain is processing....

    You mentioned that you've been on the journey a few months.....I went into counselling at around 6 months and it it was invaluable. Not everyone has a '6 month thing', but it is a recognised 'thing'.   I won't go into what happened to make me know I needed help here at the moment, but I certainly did.  I didn't find the first couple of sessions at all easy but stuck with it and it made a huge difference.  It wouldn't hurt to have a couple of sessions perhaps, I'm thinking.  There's usually a waiting list so asking now would at least get your name down....if you felt you didn't need it when the time arrives then there will always be someone who can move up the list and you wouldn't be committed to having a whole set of appointments if either you or your counsellor felt you didn't need them all. 

    Just love your 'grateful' moments.  It's something I did and still do.  Makes one aware, specially in the early days, that there are still areas of beauty and delight even in the smallest things.  I'm listening to the birds in my garden at the moment.  Lovely.  Hope you will have a good day, whenever you are, and a peaceful night. Xxx