Some people

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I find it hard i find it tough sometimes not replying to my post is better because i come on here to let off steam ....the one person in the world who understands is gone ...all these things ppl are saying ,im hurting i dont expect it to be like a bloody whats app chat i agree with him i agree with her blah blah .nobody understands my pain ......times a healer ha times a healer my god please ,if i hear that again i think i will just grab a pie and dip my face in it ....its like alot of ppl on here care and are nice.....but theres no words sometimes ...there isnt a book or guide i have in my hand too tell me how to cope doing my best  ,and yes im angry and yes this is a rant and no this isnt a dig at anyone .and  yes life suck ,....its sucks so bad that at times i could stick a knife in my neck ..but as i said before im a prisoner because i have to hope..HOPE ! that my daughter comes back to me..i post on here to vent not to have ppl worry or feel sorry or waffle on about something i totally dont a sensative person as if you couldnt tell so if you have something to say at least think about it before you write your reply ..please the real world gps can do nothink .....councilling waiting list 3 mouths talk to someone who is a stranger who think after 3 years of uni they understand you  but how when there 22 year old and have mammy n daddy pay for everything and dont know what a hard life is.....then theres the go for a walk did you not read my last post i dont go out the house ...and then theres the ring the criss team or simaritons who i have tried speaking to many times and i often wonder if there falling asleep on the other end of the phone ...the only help is to suffer it out your asking now why post ,and the answer is cause i can and i dont know why .....all people have too do is think ...just take a breath dont over heat the keyboard .pause and type away ...AFTER THINKING PROPERLY ...good night lindsey ....i wish you could come back ...if not i feel like il be coming to join you because if i dont top myself the world will do it for me ....what a awful world we live in tut tut ...robots will rule the world i 40 years ...but they cant make good cuppa tea so that one thing robots cant take away .