Six months today

  • 6 replies
  • 25 subscribers

My husband passed away six months ago today. I’ve been getting through day by day but really just feel like my life is over.

  • FormerMember

    Big hugs to you.

  • FormerMember

    I think we are quite close to each other in the dates that our husband died, mine was the 21st January.

    It so hard at times and I cannot quite believe where the time has gone. In the beginning there was lots to do, now it is more settled so more time to think.

    Reading all the posts on here you can see how we all are going through the process of grief and that it does not really go away, it just changes.

    I go to a counsellor which I pay for and have found it very helpful as she reminds me that all those feeling we all have that are very natural, she also reminds me that I am doing okay which she can see but I cannot. I can also really talk about things I might not say to anyone else which also helps. I know others will no necessary want to go down the path that I have.

    Nothing will stop me missing Bill I just have to find a different normal.

    Keep well all my best wishes.

    Lesley x

  • I am on a similar timeframe. My husband died on the 16 December 2018.

    Approaching six months without Richard was surreal. On one hand I can't believe where the time has gone; I do now have more better days than not. On the other hand I have spent more time reflecting on matters last/this week as the sadness and disbelief has come in waves. Feeling a bit sad and drained this week. Missing Richard a lot.

    With lots of love, 

    Dutsie x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Academicallyblonde

    So sad for you. Our anniversary is coming up for six months in July . I have been sort of ok but today I am really tearful sun is shining but I am feeling so sad. I am going to dinner tonight with my son & his family which I am really looking forward to but the tears just won't stop. I am so fortunate I have a lovely family who I see very often as they all live close to me & I had a lovely happy marriage so I should be grateful but I just can't stop having miserable unhappy thoughts I just can't stop missing him. I haven't been on the forum for sometime but I read the posts most days but just add a like but don't often reply to any, today when I read yours had to answer .

    love & hugs 

    jojo xxx

  • FormerMember

    I'm at 8 months, I lost my Gerry on Oct 21.

    I think for quite a while I didn't quite believe he was gone.  He was 90 miles away, getting heart testing at the Mayo clinic. I was receiving chemo and was absolutely wiped out (couldn't raise my head from the pillow)  It seemed surreal, it still does.

    Yesterday I totally lost it at the acupuncturist, I cried like a baby.   I haven't cried much, but every day it seems more real.  Good luck to you, sweetie!

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks to all for the responses. I guess everyone here feels like I do sometimes. I just feel so stuck. So lonely and limiting being alone with a small child, blessing though she is.