To soon

  • 31 replies
  • 30 subscribers

First of all, let me apologise if this is the wrong place to post this, however I just need to get this out.   

So the the love of thirty years passed away in my arms in November and I have been through every stage of grief, I could imagine and all the rest of the problems that come with losing a loved one, you know the ones I am sure.   I have no close friends having had my best friend with me for a life time and I live on a lovely but lonely sometimes Hebridean island. 

A couple of months  ago, I started talking to a friend  of a friend of a friend on line, just every day things, sharing photographs of the areas we live and yes some gentle flirting, made me feel a little alive again, but really nothing out of the ordinary.

a few weeks ago ,she mentioned she was going to visit a friend up in the highlands of Scotland. So last week, I jumped on the ferry and we met , talked, laughed, talked about Adele, whom she is very much alike, not in  looks , but in out look to life, kindness, humour, and a gentle smile. I not comparing and never would, she a lovely person in her own right. I held her and hand walked and talked. And for the first time, I smiled on the inside and not the outside that world sees.

And there is the problem. I have returned home and I feel like I have betrayed every memory and every feeling I have ever had , I feel like I did a few months after Adele left me. Lol I have to keep stopping typing this , to let the tears stop so I can see. 

So I have started to think up ways of distancing my self.

its to soon, yes, 

I am too  old, she is 50 and I am 61. Nothing like an old fool. But don,t want anyone to go through what we have been through, it’s feels like causing someone hurt and pain, just so I can get a few years of happiness again. It does not worry her at all. 

I live on Scottish island, she lives and works as a Nursing sister in the far South west of England. 

I know what Adele would say to me, “ Stop being and Ars* and live, I am not here”, she kept telling me that as she lay fading away in our bed and had her big sister tell me again a few weeks after she died. I had wondered why her big sister had come out with that so soon. But I don,t know if I could love that deeply again, I would like to, 

I don,t suppose there is an answer and I am very aware that I have just talked about my own feeling and not about my friend,s , those are very similar, but for the guilt  and doubts.  She just says a very Adele like thing, it’s me to decide without any outside pressure from anyone,  particularly her. And yes it is.

I think I have answered all my own questions writing and re writing the above, nothing like share in your most intimate thoughts and fears with strangers who have shared these things ,  to make you look back at your self.

I had two full days of feeling alive again, I think that will have to be my lot.

lol now I have spent a hour typing and retyping the above , I now sat with my finger on the post button and the delete button. But I share so you can see how pathetic and delusional  I can get.

one last thing , before you think it’s , me, me , me  I have said all these thing to my friend, she just smiles and holds my hand. 

  • FormerMember

    Thank you for sharing @Leehebs.

    My wife passed away 4 months ago today. I think I can empathize with you, but sorry I don't have time for a longer answer just now. Just wanted you to know that I don't think you are either pathetic or delusion. Also that shouldn't just be your lot. I think you, .... we will just have to wait and see.

    Take care of yourself. Best wishes.


  • Thankyou Mike

    It is a difficult subject too even raise, well even to think about , but thank you for reply.   but even feeling that little flicker of life is a shock     I hope things are going as well for you as can be expected. take care


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Leehebs

    Hi Lee,

    No one will ever replace your Adele, the love you felt and shared with her. But maybe you might be able to share some happiness and possibly a driffrent type of love with this lady. She sounds a remarkable woman and very understanding. It’s far to soon for me to even think about that I’m still going through the anger and guilt stage of grief plus it’s only 6 weeks in for me although I felt I lost a massive part of him when he was diagnosed. He thought by not being so loving to me and hiding stuff and pushing me away it wouldn’t hurt as much when he passed.he did say he wanted me to be happy but not have a relationship because he will be with me always anyway. The jealous sod lol. 

     Seriously though If it brings you even a tiny bit of happiness then that’s only got to be good. I went for physiotherapy before, I’ve done my shoulder in think it’s we’re id been lifting my partner. We got chatting and I told her how I think I’d hurt my shoulder. She replied by saying she knows what I am going through it happened to her and it was so painful. I told her how angry I get when my friends say il move on etc.The lady said she got all that and she never thought she would. But she meet a lovely man and guilt didn’t let her continue and over the yrs she’s been on a couple of dates but she’s not been fussed and thinks she made the wrong decision in the first man she ever went on a date with after her partner passed. 

    Dont make the same mistake if she makes you feel alive again least your Adele wants you to meet someone. My little sod said no way lol take care of yourself Jane x 

  • Hi Jane, 

    It is still very raw for you, so I do really appreciate you taking the time to reply my somewhat disjointed plea for advice.   It does seem it’s quite a taboo subject to some, maybe we should take more about not only how we grieve and miss our loved ones, but how we can move on if we wish to do so.

    Between posting my oriInnocentnal comments and  your post I was caught unawares by my big sister, lol I am sixty one and my big sisters still looking out for me, So between floods of tears from me, the first in a few months, and All my excuses why it would not work, I was told off . Stop making excuses, if I don,t try I will always wonder what if and that I had been a good and loving husband right up until the end and the final comment was Adele would want me  to take this chance. 

    I suppose there is no hard and fast rules for how we feel.  So the out come of all that is I have spoken to Claire my friend and asked if we can take that leap into the unknown together. Yes . So I am about to embark on another adventure when  the ink is hardly dry on my last 30 years.  

    I really do think Adele would have liked Claire, whilst different people they are cut from the same mould, I feel privileged to have both in my life. .

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Leehebs

    Hi Lee,

    your probaly right it still is a bit of a taboo subject . I think because most of us are dealing with so many emotions. Or we have our family and friends or kids around us. Your up there on your own feelings very isolated. That’s a terrible situation to be in especially when you are grieving. We all need people to talk to. A lot of people prefer to stay on there own a lot prefer company. I think for my own personal experience from this awful card we have been dealt and probably a few others in here may feel the same is. I am not me at the moment I don’t feel right at all I’m all over the place and it would be totally unfair for me to start any type of relationship with anyone until I am back to me and at the moment I can never see me finding me again till I’m back together with my partner. I know it’s very early days for me but I have read a few stories on here some that have unfortunately been on this journey a lot longer than me seem to still struggle with there emotions like myself and all the other Newley bereaved people on here. I guess it’s down to how we all deal with it individually isn’t it. When someone posts they feel guilty we will all jump to there defence saying nooo don’t feel like that and yet we cannot Instill that in ourselves. Most of us are riddled with guilt although we know we don’t the best we could but we still punish ourselves. You know your Adele wants you to find happiness again, you know no one will replace her and she knows that also that’s why she’s give you her blessing. Your lucky in your new lady friend as the same qualities has your Adele. You have not just jumped head first into a relationship/ friendship like on a rebound type of thing you have thought long and hard cried buckets and at the end of the day it’s all about self care for yourself now. You been through every emotion under the sun. Now it's you time and if that means forming a new relationship that can lead to a different type of love then go for it. Don’t sit and do nothing with your life Adele wouldn’t rest looking down on you. I’m sure one day we will all come to a point in our grieve we’re we will try and take back our lives and grab it by the horns. In either meeting someone new. Or starting a new hobby or project or job what ever we all take comfort in. Wishing you the best of luck Lee

    Jane X

  • Lol thank you Jane that brought a few tears , but good ones,  I had not realised how dead I was inside until until I held someone’s hand for the first time since I held Adele’s as she left me.  

    This I have found is a really painful subject , but you know I am glad now that I posted it, I hovered over the post button for ages before I finally press it.   We are all different and we feel things in different way, but opening up a subject about what is possible after life has settled again.  It’s much better than the future I had planned several months ago, spent many hours working out how to commit suicide which made it look natural, so ran and ran myself trying to have a heart attack. I got fitter and better.  

    Good luck on your journeys all


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Leehebs

    Good luck, Lee

    God's speed.


  • "Finding a different kind of happiness"

    I met Richard a few after he lost his fiance to cancer tragically. 

    There was time he made me feel second best. I used to argue with him that I did not know his ex and that I refuse to compete. The number of times I used to tell him that "he should try looking for for a different kind of happiness". We had our ups and downs. I never understood, at the time, he was still grieving and that grief stays with us indefinitely until now.  I accept this, there will always be moments whereby you reflect on the times you have spent together. Some with tears and some that bring a smile to your face.

    Nevertheless, a few more years down the line he randomly started to tell me he was content again. Usually after when we both worked in our garden together creating a little sanctuary for us. We also shared many amazing adventures that will always be cherished.

    We had our last holiday together in Menorca in October 2018. We were watching the storm late one night outside under cover and he said "I am so lucky to with the life I have had". Even whilst dealing with his diagnosis, we both agreed we were lucky. It was a matter of quality of life and our take on it. 

    There is a part of me that knows I should follow my own advice and I will in due course. I am nowhere ready to embark on a relationship but if it is meant to be, it will be. For me, I am at the stage of trying to get healthier/taking time out to look after myself physically and socially - my current version of progress and happiness.

    My take on the subject  of future relationships - I would embrace change and see where it takes me...

    With lots of love, Dutsie Xx


  • Thank you Dutsie,  I don,t know what to say, I knew this would be an emotive subject, but the love and feeling in every post has me staggered. All I will say is what ever course  you take,  be happy.  I have decided with much thought , do plunge in head first. First I asked my daughter if she was ok with it, to be told if your happy I am happy for you.     

    So I sent my first bouquet of Flowers  asking for a second and more dates, which was a yes, so we will see where it goes.

    So Good luck to us all, I know if I get a second chance at happiness, Adele would be happy as well.

  • Lovely to hear. Happy for you and hope all goes well x