Can't believe it all happened

  • 7 replies
  • 24 subscribers

Hi All

ThoughtvI was doing ok . It's coming up for five months since my darling passed away & it is really getting worse instead of better. I just don't understand. I have tried to stay strong , I have a wonderful family & supportive friends but I just can't believe it really happened, how could my wonderful caring happy lovely funny man not be here with me anymore. I miss him sooooo much to think I will never see his lovely face feel his cuddles & hear his voice, I know you are all feeling the same & I shouldn't feel sorry for my self cos I am so lucky to have had such a lovely man in my life & when he lost his parents & our daughter he kept his grieving to himself & carried on trying to make our kids & me happy, he said I grieve in my own way. He helped me so much & I feel so terribly guilty that all I thought about most of the time was poor old me.Maybe if I had tried to think of him  during these awful heartbreaking times maybe he wouldn't have had so much pain in his heart & maybe all the stress he endured wouldn't have given him cancer cos I think stress sorrow & anxiety doesn't help. He always thought of everyone else before himself. He taught me so much & now if I have to try & carry on living without him I am going to try & be as kind & caring as he always was.

So sorry I am saying all this stuff as I know you are all as desperately unhappy base I am but just don't know how to cope. Thank you all for reading this & even though we don't know each other we all understand each other are feeling .

Love & hugs to you all  

jojo x

  • Hello JoJo,

    Your husband sounds just like mine. I to feel very much like you ,I'm s scared of life at they moment our husbands would grieve on their own and still do the practical things. We all have a part to play in our family and you both worked well. He loved you for what you are. your grief has mudded how you are thinking.

    You must be lovely to have the love of a lovely man, he was lucky too.


    PS. I use to call my son JoJo as a child.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Scared-wife

    Hi Jono 

    It is just the grief making you feel this guilt like many of us in here. You must be a special person yourself for your lovely man to love you try not to be to hard on yourself. I feel guilty because I said to my man oh your always sick lately. Or if I’m not wrecked with guilt over that I’m feeling guilty over his Wife emotionaly blackmailing him. I can’t get passed them things at the minute and they are painful enough I dread when I get to the stage when he was diagnosed and started to fade right in front of me I’m sure il be riddle with guilt there over something. In away I’m glad we are all feeling this burn instead of blocking it out putting a wall up if this makes sense. Otherwise it’s would mess with us in years to come. So In away that’s showing we have strength because we are in so much pain we are feeling it instead of blocking it out. I do hope this guilty stage of grieving is the worse part for us all. and hopefully soon our minds let’s us think about the good times so it’s a lot easier on us and we can smile thinking of our loved one again instead of this pain. 

    Take care of yourself and remember to have the love of a good man he seen how special you are so don’t beat yourself up over things. Your a special person yourself x 

  • Hi Jojo,

    I know what you are feeling. Because I feel it too. And so many on here do. I am sending you a big hug and hope that you find something beautiful in today, even if it is just a little sunshine. I know it won't be the same as if your husband were here with you to enjoy it, but perhaps you can find a little moment of peace and happiness in it.

    Love, Mel.

    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to MelanieL

    Dear All 

     Thank you for all your kind wordsI really do appreciate it .x I guess it's all part of the grieving process but it is so tough . I am trying to do the garden It helps me trying to grow things nurturing the plants silly really but it seems to help. 

    Love & hugs to you all 

    Thank you

    Jojo xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Jojo,

    I lost my favourite person in January. Like you, feels to me that it is worse now than then - maybe the numbness has worn off a bit and the sadness gets through more - I don't know.

    I have great support, often from the most surprising of places, for which I am very appreciative, but still, when I am on my own, I am sad beyond words.

    All of us think that there must of been something more we could of done to help, prevent or cure - and I think, part of the horrible tragedy of this disease is that none of us had any control of it at all - Jules and I discussed it a few times and she looked at me and said, I know that you would take this off me and die for me - hell I said, I would kill for you, never mind die - but the truth was and is, nothing any of us did caused it and nothing any of us could of done would of stopped it.

    Deep in my heart, I know I did all I could to support her and make her life as good as it was possible to be, yep I have regrets, but I know all was done that could be done, was done.

    So I am throwing myself into the hobbies I had that I put on hold for a few years, I do have times of happiness and I allow myself to enjoy them without guilt.

    Much love to you Jojo

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Dear Sussex 

    You are amazing I relate to every word . I often wished it was me and I would have taken his pain willingly he always told me he would shoulder all our lives & take care of us all which he did but now I am alone without him. He taught me so much about all sorts practical things & made me into the person I am today not the frightened little girl when he first me I will forever be grateful to him for the rest of my life but I do miss him & finding it so difficult. 

    I envy you that you are taking up hobbies I have things that I want to do but find it disrespectful to start a new life without him I feel I can't move on but I know I must try 

    Thank you so much for your lovely reply, take care you will be forever in my thoughts for the words you said.

    jojo xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Dear Sussex 

    You are amazing I relate to every word . I often wished it was me and I would have taken his pain willingly he always told me he would shoulder all our lives & take care of us all which he did but now I am alone without him. He taught me so much about all sorts practical things & made me into the person I am today not the frightened little girl when he first me I will forever be grateful to him for the rest of my life but I do miss him & finding it so difficult. 

    I envy you that you are taking up hobbies I have things that I want to do but find it disrespectful to start a new life without him I feel I can't move on but I know I must try 

    Thank you so much for your lovely reply, take care you will be forever in my thoughts for the words you said.

    jojo xx