
  • 4 replies
  • 24 subscribers

Three words i think everyone thinks of everyday who has lost someone that was everything to them ...I MISS YOU .....feeling a mess ...just when you think your doing ok come crashing down to your knees and hold your hands on your head and just cry.....i dont know how much longer i can go on at times ....i just want my wife lost without her i just want to stop having nightmares i wanna stop pretending that times a healer and i dont even wanna be typing this message i just want too be with the person who makes me happy and loved and understands me ...trying to smile trying to take one day at a time sucks ...i dont even know what im typing now cause am confused so i must be confused .i feel like a broken man ....hang on thats because i am a broken man ......low as the bottom of the ocean and everything is black and im shit scared of tomorrow .if i dont reply its cause im gonna go write down some stuff in my book and draw for abit ....i hate Hate hate my life ......what did i do to lose the two ppl that where my life ....i had two friends two people a wife and a daughter why me why where they taken .....waiting for my daughter too grow up and get back in touch with me feels like a prison sentence and without linzi around feels like the world is not real ,maybe thats cause life isnt real maybe like in the four agreements book its just all a dream a sleep dream and a being awake but still dreaming .

  • Hello Peter.  I am sorry you are suffering so much.  I have probably told you this before, but I used to get up each morning and think I love my life,  not any more.  I lost my husband who I loved and a year later the job I loved.  Do you work?  Are you a writer or an artist or something like that.  You are not pretending that time is a healer, it is.  It won’t solve everything because you will always miss lindsey, but time will soften your pain.  I am sending you strength for tomorrow.  Take care love Dolly xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to likido


    This is the grief the upset emotions and loss. I know it's unbelievably  hard. No one here expects you to smile through. The writing and growing and other things distract but please believe there are moments in the sunshine not just the bottom of the ocean. Your Linzi would have talked to you helped you work through. Listen look for her special touches feel her items smell her perfume whatever. She was a special lady you have to take things gradually and not rush. Dolly's right. Xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to likido

    Thanks dolly xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember
