My partner

  • 9 replies
  • 25 subscribers

Hi I'm new to this wasnt sure if to join but I'm lost and dont no what to do my partner died on the 29th April after going in hospital on the fri 12th with a bad back By  the mon we was told cancer on wed terminal I cant get my head around everything  and am struggling  I'm just glad I was there at the end 

  • So sorry for your loss.  I am glad you decided to join our site, although sorry that you qualify.  This is a very supportive site and you can post anything you want, nobody will judge, we will just try to help.  It is such early days for you.  The most important thing is to be kind to yourself.  Don’t try to do too much too soon. Rest, eat and sleep when you can.  If you can, tell us a bit about yourself by filling in your profile, it could help us to help you.  Welcome to way up. Love Dolly xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to likido

    Hi  so sorry that you have lost your partner so quickly and the trauma you have been through and suddeness  of everything. Dolly gives good advice and I hope you find some comfort here. Do you have love and support for you.?  I always tell people Macmillan  is for us as well so if you need to talk to someone you can call and do post here. Do what's essential leave the rest. 

  • FormerMember

    Hi, I'm so sorry to hear your story. Mine is similar but didn't happen so quick - my husband went to hospital in October with a bad back and was told he was terminal. He passed away on April 7th after the most horrendous 5 months. I can't get my head round it so I really don't know how to help you but if you want to talk about anything I'd be happy to chat. I think the shock of it all and the disbelief is overwhelming. It's hard to believe this can happen. I hope you find help in this group xx

  • Hello,

    My husband died on the 28th he went into hospital on the 18th of march . We are all in shock  too . It's just a nightmare.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Scared-wife


    It's so hard isn't it. We were expecting him to come home but then he took a turn for the worse. I know it'll take time to come to terms with it but it really is like living a nightmare xx

  • FormerMember

    My husband died on Easter Sunday April 21 after 15 months with brain cancer. It has been a little over a month. the first few weeks I was very busy with all the details but now I feel lost as well. There are days where it just doesn't feel real. Everyone around you goes back to their lives and you are left living the nightmare. My solution right now is to stay busy. I live on an acreage so there are plenty of outdoor projects to do. I find the most difficult times to be bed time and long rides in the car. It does help to express your feelings. I joined a bereavement group sponsored by the local Hospice. It is good to share feelings and know that you are the not the only feeling what you are feeling. I am new to this group as well and I hope that I can share my experiences and get support from the group. It is also sometimes easier to express your deepest feelings to a group like this where you feel you won't be judged. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Julie.  My lovely husband passed away on 2 November 2018 with non-small cell lung cancer.  I can honestly say I have not moved forward in any way at all.  I just seem to exist from day to day.  My daughter is twenty-one and is trying to get on with her life but she misses her Dad all of the time. and to be honest I do try not to keep crying in front of her but it is not working.  I just cry all of the time.  My family and friends are great, but like you say everyone gets on with their lives (unfortunately that is life) and we are stuck in limbo.  Some people have said to me that it takes two years - how can you put a time limit on something like this? Anyway, this forum is great as we all have something in common.  Thinking of you.

  • Hi Julie. 

    My wife passed away in November last year.  There is not easy way of dealing with what we all go through, in some way the grieving process is a good thing, stop us from bottling things up.  But things do get better, little by little , one day you will wake up and think about you love one and not shed a tear but a smile.   

  • FormerMember

    I’m so sorry for your loss.  When it happens so quickly, it just feels like a personal assault.  I’m so sorry.

    My husband went into he hospital for testing, he had been having chest pains in October (after two heart attacks in March) and we wanted him to see a cardiologist at the Mayo Clinic (90 miles from our home) so my daughter drove him down there for him to stay a few days, and was to return and pick him up two days later.

    Then we got a phone call on Sunday that he had passed.  He was dead.  I still cannot believe it.

    I was ill at the time with Stage 4 Lymphoma, my chemo was very strong and I couldn’t stand, walk or even sit up in my bed.  The whole thing was handled by my children (21 & 22) and it still feels unreal.

    Things will get better, they will.  I know I sound like some kind of ‘positive thinking’ recording, but time will make the pain lessen, and will make the memories sweeter.  Give yourself all the TIME and SPACE you need, just be kind to yourself.  Show yourself the love you know your partner would give you.

    I hope things get better soon, it’s a terrible price we pay for loving someone.  When they’re gone, the emptiness is huge.