Feeling upset and alone

  • 5 replies
  • 24 subscribers

Evening all,just feel I had to write something,It’s eight months today since I lost my wonderful husband Alan,I’ve been ok all day but just as I said goodnight to his picture like I always do. the tears started and I can not stop crying,even now the words are blurry because of the tears, I just feel so alone and miss him terribly..I talk to him all the time telling him what I’ve been doing and everything,just wish I could go back to last year.Ive tried looking for groups to join in my area but can’t seem to find anything,Sorry if I’m going on a bit,I thought I was coping ok ,but tonight seems as if it’s like the first few days all over again,What is wrong with me...Hugs to everyone else who are having a bad night.x

  • There is nothing wrong with you, I compare grief to waves on the sea. Tonight for you there was a storm and the waves were crashing in. I hope tomorrow the sea and you are calm.

    I also feel incredibly sad, some times it's alot worse than others and now after 13 months some days are even ok.

    Be kind to yourself this grieving process is a rough journey we are all traveling Hugging

    • Ruby diamond x
  • Thank you for your reply .

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Ruby Diamond

    Thank you for your kind words Ruby Diamond,well after last night been horrible today I had my family for dinner, and I will say I actually had a  good day,we talked about Alan,laughed at some the memories and just seemed like a normal day,Yes a few tears at bedtime but like you say it’s a rough journey and every day will be different.So thank you once again and I hope today has been kind to you...

  • FormerMember

    Hi Val,

    i lost my wife of 25 years a year ago to this wretched disease. She went from being fine on day to stage 4 cancer  so quickly. A year later I said goodbye to her. I have three kids in college and there are so many times I’m home for weeks alone. I know it’s terrible but I resent other couples who are living a “normal” life. I just don’t fit in anywhere anymore.  People almost expect you after time to forget about your spouse and move on. I’m sure like most people here I feel so stupid going places by myself, even church! Like so many people on here have said grief comes in waves. One minute my days great, the next I’m  crying for no reason. Stay strong Val I’m sure there’s a reason for all of this.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you for your kind words Timberwolves,I know what your saying about seeing other couples living a normal life,that is something I have noticed while out and it makes me feel so jealous,I should not be thinking like that I know but I do.And yes one minute I’m ok then the next I’m crying.I am getting into a new routine,well trying anyway,but it’s The quietness and the loneliness which is hard.I am getting out more but I am forcing myself as it is strange by myself.But people tell me I will get there in time.kind regards and I hope your having a good day today.