365 days of being a widow

  • 4 replies
  • 25 subscribers

As today draws to a close I have chosen to reflect on how far I have come in 1 year. Or 12 months. Or 52 weeks. Or 365 days!!

The past few month for me have been the hardest. Worse than they were at the start. However I think I suppressed a lot of grief and its built up and built up and finally came to a head and I'm letting it all out.

I never thought I would make it this far,  but I have and I hope for that continue. I miss my husband so much,  but his belief in me and my abilities are what I have tried to cling to.  I used to say he taught me how to be me and it's  true. It soundss so silly to say but had it not been for him I wouldn't have gotten though this year.

I'm giving  myself  a pat on the back for getting through the final 1st of the year.  Today was how I wanted it to be.  Took my dog for a long walk along the beach,  and i spoke to my husband freely for about an hour. I laughed and I cried and I remembered everything I could about the wonderful man he was.  It felt right and I think it was really beneficial to do it.

I know I'm not fixed and I'll still.have bad days, but I hope that coming through this milestone will help me on my road moving forward.

I wish everyone well and hope we can all find some peace.

B -x-

  • FormerMember

    My hubby also died on 12th April 2018.....the last month I have found one of the hardest since the early days but I think some of it was “last year at this time” and also anticipation of the actual day.  I spent yesterday doing things John would have liked....we went to the cemetery in the morning and we were very emotional, my two daughters & I had lunch at John and i’s Favourite restaurant and yesterday evening we went to the rugby ....we always watched as a family and the team had s good win.  

    We remembered the wonderful husband father & granddad John was with laughter & tears & this morning as I’m sat pondering with my cuppa I wonder what this 2nd year will have in store ....I have holidays booked & things to look forward & hope getting through the milestone will give me strength to go forward positively carrying my wonderful man within my heart xxx

  • Sounds like you had a lovely day in memory of your husband.

    It's  funny how we've both felt similar about the past few months,  but also good to know there are others who feel the same and were not going crazy!

    Great that you have plans for this next year.  I have a dissertation due in the next few weeks,  once  that is done I plan to sell up and move closer to work and a bit closer to my family.  I moved to be with my husband so have no-one in my area. No family,  no friends,  work colleagues etc. So I am 100% alone.  In some ways I've liked that,  but it does get lonely.

    I said in another post I've joined WAY (widowed and young) support group so I'm hoping to get involved in that this year too.

    From the sounds of it we are both doing ok.

    I found a quote the other day which summed up my year perfectly....

    Of the widow's countless death-duties there is really just one that matters: on the first anniversary of her husband's death the widow should think I kept myself alive.

    Much love 

    B -x-

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Beezmouse

    What a true quote.....I think sometimes we don’t give ourself enough credit !! Xxxx

    much love & good luck with the dissertation ....I to joined WAY but felt it wasn’t for me but to be honest think it was too early ....I felt quite over whelmed but may give it another go xxxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Dear All,

    To think many of us lost our loves about the same time last year or in this month 2019. - I feel you are kindred spirits and several of us made it through the first year in one piece I love the quote because it is true.  One day at a time is how I worked through it- especially the horrible "death paperwork"- the forms, the will, the household bills, changing services into my name it was all so hard and yet it was done one day at a time as we all have done.

    One thing that helps me is to think of the great /funny memories and to speak of them. Some people never have a day of love we have had years and in that I rejoice for the happiness that was in the marriage. 

    Big Lad, we know the pain and how much it hurts. This community has been so good to me and we are here when you need us. Sometimes writing it down in email does help.

    Kindest regards to all,
